1387 Poptropica

Sep 12, 2016  Leonardo da Vinci was an multi-skilled artist and architect who created iconic paintings such as the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.In Poptropica, he appears two times as a character. On Early Poptropica Island, you will find him in the Pop Art building on Main Street. The bag of Salt Rocks can be found on the chimney of the Graff House, 1776 AD on Time Tangled Island. It must be returned to the man with a dark blue robelike thing in the Mali Empire on top of the building with snakes, 1387 A.D. For the time period to be restored. Trivia There is a similar item. Go to Time Tangled Island if you're not already there. Like Shark Tooth and Early Poptropica, it's in the last page of the map. Walk to the right to Pendulum's Lab. Awkward name. Reminds you of something. A woman is crying just outside. Talk to her and she'll tell you that there's been a time.

When adults dream of tropical islands, they envision sun and surf. Youngsters visiting the islands of Poptropica opt instead for battling spies, skydiving or learning about history and the wide world's wonders.

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'I learned that the Great Wall of China is really big,' says eight-year-old Olivia Taylor of Iola, Kansas. 'I thought it was kind of small, like a castle, but it's really big.'

Poptropica is an online island world created by Pearson to entrance young people in a vibrant world of exploration, knowledge and old-fashioned fun - but without any of the dangers of some social networking sites. Kids entering the site create their own 'avatar,' or character, by choosing their clothes, hairstyle, mouth, eyes and other features, and they are randomly assigned a peculiar name like Nice Skunk or Messy Dragon or Ridiculous Crumb - but the youngsters never reveal any personal information or email addresses.

Since its launch in September 2007, Poptropica has had more than 35 million unique users and seen the creation of more than 70 million avatars. On one recent weekend day, 259,000 kids were on Poptropica.

'I was mowing my lawn and the idea came to me,' says Jeff Kinney, design director for Pearson's Family Education Network, which is based in Boston. Mr. Kinney designed Poptropica after considering the strengths and shortcomings of other websites in which youngsters interact with others: 'The idea was to take everything that's good in the multiplayer online world and make it as safe as possible for kids.'

So kids visiting Poptropica always are anonymous, as the only information asked for is whether they are boys or girls, and their age. After choosing their avatar, youngsters can 'battle' other avatars in games ranging from Paint War to Sky Dive to Hoops (basketball), or they can instead opt to 'chat' with another avatar by clicking on prepared questions such as 'do you wear glasses' or 'do you like amusement parks?' and receiving answers like 'no, but I sometimes wear sunglasses' or 'I like the kiddie rides.' The database now has 600 questions and 1,800 answers.

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'I like that it's not chatting with other strangers online, but pre-set answers that they click on,' says Megan Christensen of Valhalla, New York, whose daughter Cedi, 8, and son Connor, 6, are Poptropica devotees. 'Also I like that the 'battles' aren't violent. It is such a nice feeling to know that they are fighting spies, spiders or dogs - things that don't look that scary.'

Youngsters visit seven different islands - including Spy Island and Shark Tooth Island - where they battle B.A.D. (the Bald and Dangerous Organisation) or explore a shark museum. They learn that sharks can bite with a force of 6.5 tons per square inch, along with the reassurance that more people are killed each year by pigs than by sharks.

On Time Tangled Island, the most popular, the kids' avatars might journey back to Philadelphia in 1776 as the Declaration of Independence is being drafted, only to bump into an animated Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. A click of the mouse takes their avatar to the year 831 and a Viking warship, or the Mali Empire in 1387, or inventor Thomas Edison's workshop in Menlo Park, New Jersey, in 1877. Clicking on a 'Fact Monster' icon provides more detailed information on everything from ancient Aztec civilisation to Leonardo Da Vinci.

'I didn't know who climbed Mt. Everest, or even what Mt. Everest was' before learning about it on Poptropica, says Cedi Christensen.

Since its inception, Poptropica has launched a new island every six to eight weeks, and the next one is Big Nate Island in early 2009. Each island takes an average of four hours to investigate, so kids of all ages come back many times to explore the various nooks and crannies.

'Poptropica appeals to a much wider age range than we expected,' says Jess M. Brallier, publisher and general manager of Family Education Network. 'We expected a core age group of seven to 10, but this is kicking in at age four and going to 14 or 15.'

While Poptropica users are evenly split between girls and boys, there are some gender-based differences: girls by a margin of three-to-one tend to change their avatar's appearance from time to time, while girls are twice as likely to 'chat' than 'battle.'

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Many websites for kids promote toys or entertainment brands, but Poptropica is different. 'Poptropica is publishing - to kids,' says Mr. Brallier. 'Soon, fresh content will be pushed out to millions of Poptropica kids on a daily basis. The publishing will come to them, not vice-versa.'

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Poptropica was designed to appeal globally, so the quests and the settings are not country specific - and there are users so far in more than 70 countries including 20,000 visits a month from China and 1,000 per month from Lithuania. Pearson is looking into adapting Poptropica for English-language training materials, because the simple dialogue can be easily translated.

In early 2009, Poptropica will begin to charge for premium services - early access to new islands, for example. This will provide an additional revenue source while keeping the core of the site free, assuring that Poptropica will publish to even more kids while also strengthening its brand and licensing value.

'It makes them think,' says Jen Taylor, mother of Olivia and her Poptropica-mad sisters Abigail, 10, and Ella, 6. 'It's not just a sit-there-and-do-nothing type game. They can talk to Thomas Jefferson one day, and go to Egypt and meet an Egyptian the next day.'

1387 Poptropica Island

Time Tangled Island > CHEATS

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message 1: by ✿☺☠♥LILLY♥☺☠✿ (last edited Jul 08, 2012 12:04AM) (new)

Climbing Goggles: In the Aztec Empire, a guard is wearing them and will give them to you if you are wearing a Warrior's Mask.
Statue Model: The very top peak of Mount Everest you can reach.
Phonograph: On top of the treasury building in Ancient Greece (the guards are standing in front of it). You must climb up the winged statue and jump to the roof.
Peace Medal: Hanging on the pulley system in Da Vinci's Workshop. First, climb onto the middle platform, making the top one come closer so you can jump on it. Get on the top platform. You will go down but the bottom platform will come out. Jump onto the bottom platform, and from there jump and touch the shiny silver circle. If you touch it, you will get the Peace Medal.
Declaration of Independence: In the Mali Empire (watch out for snakes) there will be a place called 'Timbuktu Inn'. A document merchant is there. Piece together a puzzle for him to get the Declaration of Independence.
Stone Bowl: Go to Lewis and Clark's campsite. There will be a tree that has the words 'Clark was here' carved into it. Climb the tree and wait for a beaver to appear. He has the bowl on his head.
Sun Stone Piece: On top of Edison's Workshop. Go to the left and jump on the car. Click the circle at the rear and the car will move forward and stop under the tree. Climb up the tree and onto the house.
Notebook: Go to the Statue of Liberty. Climb to get on the very top platform of the scaffold. Jump to your left. The Notebook is on the ledge.
Salt Rocks: Go to the Graff House and climb the tree. Jump onto the roof. They are in a bag at that location.
Thor's Amulet: Go to the Great Wall of China and pass the construction zone. A man will be wearing the amulet. If you defeat him in a memory game he will give it to you.
Golden Vase: Go to the Great Wall of China and pick up a barrel of gunpowder. Go to where the Vikings are and climb onto the first cliff. Use the gunpowder to blast the rocks. Pick up the torch and go inside. You have a limited amount of time to find the vase before your torch goes out. It will also go out if you step in water. Note: Run down, up, up, up, across, down, and left.
Warrior's Mask: In the Aztec Empire there is an old warrior who wants to retire. Talk to him and he will give his mask to you.
Glider: Da Vinci gives it to you when you give him his notebook.
Viking Suit: It is laying on the second cliff where the Vikings are. Use the Glider to reach it.

message 2: by ✿☺☠♥LILLY♥☺☠✿ (last edited Jul 08, 2012 12:03AM) (new)

To get through Time Twisted Island, use the following steps.
Go to Pendulum's Lab.
Power up the Future Machine.
Talk to yourself 50 year older.
He will give you a Time Device.
To get the Salt Rocks from Mali, jump on top of the Graff House in 1776.
Then, go to 1387.
Talk to the man on top of the first building.
Give him the rocks.
To get the Declaration of Independence from the Graff House, go to Mali in 1387.
Go to the inn.
Talk to the Document Merchant.
Then, go to 1776.
Piece together the puzzle.
Give it to Thomas Jefferson.
To get the Statue of Liberty, go to the top of Mt. Everest in 1953. Then, go to 1882.
Give it to the person by the thing that reads 'Modele Original'.
To get the goggles from Everest, go to the Aztec Empire in 1519.
Go to the end of the empire.
Go to the top of the temple.
There is an old man there who gives you the Warrior Headdress.
Then, click on the first guard.
He gives you the goggles.
To get the sun stone from the Aztec Empire, go to the Workshop in 1877.
Ride the 'wagon' to the big tree.
Jump on the branches until you get to the roof.
Go to the left chimney.
Then, go to 1519.
Give the king the sun stone.
To get the phonograph from the Workshop, go to Delphi in 328 BC.
Jump on the roof of the treasury.
Get the Phonograph.
Return it to Edison (the workshop boss).
To get the golden vase from Delphi, go to Scandinavia in 831.
Note: You must have the gunpowder from China and the glider from Da Vinci to do this.
Blow open the cave.
Go to the bottom left before the torch burns out.
Get the golden vase.
Return to the guards at the Treasury.
To get the amulet, go to China in 1593.
Defeat the person in the game. Return it to the Viking captain.
To get the stone bowl from China, go to Lewis and Clark in 1805.
Go to the top of the tree.
Get the stone bowl by jumping on the chipmunk.
Return it to the smoke signal person.
To get the peace medal from Lewis and Clark, go to Da Vinci's time in 1516. Jump on the correct platform.
Then, go to the bottom platform.
Jump on the bottom of the deck to get the medal.
Return it to Meriwether Lewis.
To get Da Vinci's notebook, go to the Statue of Liberty in 1882.
Go to the far left.
Jump on the ledge of the red building.
Return it to Da Vinci.
He gives you a glider.
Go to Main Street (in the present).
Use the future machine to go to the Restored Future.
Use the air tubes and monorails to get to your home.
Go to the bathroom of your home.
Talk to yourself 50 years older again.
He will give you the Island Medallion.

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