Mission Atlantis 2 Poptropica

© 2007 - 2020 Sandbox Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. Sep 04, 2014 In the Poptropica Island, Mission Atlantis Episode 1, the film maker, Cam Jameson, is shooting an underwater movie. He needs your help to get the footage that he needs! Below is the Video Cheats Walkthrough and then below that is the fill written walkthrough!

Mission:Atlantis was the 2nd 'episodic' island ofPoptropica, the 39th island overall.

Although released on Early Access to paid members in April 2014,it was not released for free general use until much later.



For a more detailed explanation, click Related Questions atleft.

Poptropica Cheats Mission Atlantis 2

There is a video walkthrough at the related link.


Episode 1 - Into the Deep (some fishy photos)

1) Talk to Cam Jameson. He will give you the files on 5 rarefish that he wants to get movies of. He needs the key to themini-sub you will use.

2) Climb up and talk to the captain, who has the key. Climbabove him on the mast and click there, and a water bucket willspill on him, harmlessly.

3) Take the bucket and go down into the raft where an octopus issquirting ink, and click it to fill the bucket with ink.

4) Climb back over the captain and use the bucket to spill it onhim. He drops the key. Pick it up and return left to the crate thatholds the sub. Use the key to unlock it and click the sub to gointo it and descend.

5) The first fish is the Sea Dragon. Click it and Camwill tell you to keep it in front of the camera. Once you have thephoto, click lower on the screen to go deeper.

6) Follow the arrow left, and enter the Anglerfish area.To film it, go near the small red fish and they will follow you.You only need 4 to film the anglerfish (one version of the islandmakes you get 6 of them, some from the separate area to the farleft). Avoid the bubble jets that can cause you to lose a redfish.

7) Lead the red fish to the cave at the middle left, and clickthe anglerfish, which will eat the red fish as you film.

Atlantis 2 disney

8) Leave and go right, back to the main area.

9) In the center deep section is the Barreleye. Click thebubbling rock cone in front of the fish, so the bubbles push thebarreleye down. Follow and cover the vent there and the bubblespush him to the bottom right. Block that cone and the bubbles pushhim to the open area at top right. Film him there.

10) Go up and across to the right, and you find one PurpleCuttlefish, and three of the Red Cuttlefish. The object is toget him to the red coral where he becomes more visible. Use the redones to occupy his hiding places in the purple coral areas:

When he is at the upper right purple, chase the red one (leftside) down into the purple coral below. Go farther up and chase thesecond red one down to where the first red one was. Go up and rightand chase the third red one over to where the second one was. Goback to the purple one, who can only flee to the red coral at upperright. To keep him there, go back down and chase the first redcuttlefish off the bottom and into the purple coral at right. Nowthe purple one has nowhere to go. Go up and film him in the redcoral.

11) Go down to the deepest part where you find theStonefish. Hide in the yellow coral to his left, and clickon him to film him when he comes out.

12) As you get the last fish, a Hydromedusa (glowing jellyfish)appears and goes right. Follow it into the chamber to the right.When you catch it and begin filming, a bunch of them will gatheraround, and emit an electric charge that knocks out your sub.

Poptropica Mission Atlantis Episode 2 Written Walkthrough

13) At the bottom, go right and you will see enormous purplebuildings off in the distance. Is this Atlantis? You find out inepisode 2. In the meantime, you receive the Island Medallion forepisode 1.


Episode 2 to follow

It's another big day here on Poptropica. Poptropica Members now have exclusive Early Access to Survival: Hook, Line and Sinker!
Do you have what it takes to find food in the wilds of the Yukon? Visit Poptropica to find out! If you're not yet a Member, get Membership now to play.

Mission Atlantis 2 Poptropica

You can also keep up with our Survival: Hook, Line and Sinker live map to see when and where other players are finishing the adventure, and check on your own rank.
That's not all. We're also happy to announce that Mission Atlantis: Into the Deep is now available for everyone to play. If you long to see what's under the sea, head to Poptropica to play!