Poptropica Cheats 40 Thieves

Cheats, Walkthroughs and Secrets for Poptropica. Fortnite held a live event yesterday called, The Unvaulting, and in the process, Tilted Towers was destroyed.

Hey everyone! We finally are getting a new island on Poptropica today and it will be Episode 2 of the Arabian Nights Island! If you remember, on the first episode, we had found out that thieves were stealing stuff from a small town including a precious lamp from the Sultan. We had tracked them down to the entrance of their lair which was in the pond. Now its time to go in there!

Arabian Nights – Lair of Thieves Cheats

When you first start the 2nd episode of this island, you will find yourself in the entrance of the lair. Make your way all the way down to rhe bottom and click through to the next section. Once you pass the as section, a short story will play where a guy puts a lamp on an alter and disappears. You then fall down and the thieves capture you!

You will now be in a small cell with a locked door. To get it, look at the week spot in the stone above you and jump up to hit it two times. You will now need to push your bed over so that you can use it to jump up there! Once you get here, you will see a ball attached to a line which is attached to the wall. Push this ball down to where you just jumped up from! That will break the other wall!

Now that you are free, you need to find a way out of here. Head right until you get to a new section entrance and enter it. You will now be in an area where you see a skull holding jewels. Head all the way right, staying on the bottom and jump on the chest you see in the image below.

When the thieve above you turns and walks left, use the bird statue to jump up. Go to the right and sitting on the ground you will find a white robe. Now, just to the right you will see a skeleton sitting on a ledge. Jump to him and click on him. You will now have quicksilver. Now drop down to the ground and head right into a new section.

Hint or Cheat: If you get spotted by a guard, you will need to start all over!

Once you get to the new section, head right and you will see a barrel of oil, jump on the big barrel next to it and jump up to the rope hanging from the ceiling. Now you will see a thieve standing there, as soon as he says, “these lamps never hold enough oil” and then he turn to walk to the left, jump down and head right. Here, you will find gun powder on the top platform and a crafting table to make magic sand on the main level.

Tip or Cheat: Remember where this is! We will need to come back here once we have everything to make our magic sand.

Now its time to put on the white rope you found. Once you do, you will instantly run past the guard behind you and grab something off of him. He catches you and takes you back to your cell. Now open your inventory and put on the black robe that is now in your possession! This will help us trick the guards.

From your cell, head right until you get to the first set of wood steps. Jump up one level and head left past a guard. Jump up another level and just to the right you will see something green on the floor. Pick it up! It’s Viper Skin!

Now use those same steps to jump up to the next platform and head right going into the next section (same one we have been in already with the skeleton holding diamonds).

From this section, you need to head up to where you fell down from. When you get to the section, head up until you get to the bag of Borax and click on it!

Now that we have all of the materials we need, head back to that crafting table we found earlier! We need to make some magic sand!

How to make magic sand in Arabian Nights Island – Lair of Thieves

To make magic sand all we need to do is follow the recipe.

  • 2 parts gunpowder
  • 3 parts quicksilver
  • 1 part viper skin
  • 2 parts borax

Please see the video if you are having trouble!

Once you have made the magic sand, the guard will catch you and throw is flaming lamp into the rook. Everything will blow up and your disguise will be gone!

Now, to get out of this room, go into your inventory and equip the magic sand. Throw one at the loose stone you see and it will turn into quick sand. Go down there! Now we need to get caught again and go back to our cell. We need to break out the guy that was next to us!

To do this, we need to use the magic sand to drop a stone ball on the guards head and knock him out. We can then take the key and let our new friend out. Please see the video on how to do this! Once he is out, he will be the one to help you find the lamp that belongs to the sultan!

In the next area over, throw more magic sand at the loose stone you see all of the coins on! This will get rid of the thief in this room.

Now we need to find the lamp! It is the generic looking one that has no match! Once you find it, our new friend will take a fake lamp and sacrifice himself so that we can escape! Now we need to outrun the thief. Please see the video for this part!

Now you will get caught once more and have to place the lamp upon the statue! That will be the end of Arabian Nights Island Episode 2 – Lair of Thieves!

It looks like Arabian Nights episode 3 will be us having to stop the forty thieves. I hoped my cheats walkthrough guide helped.

Lair of Thieves is the second episode of ArabianNights (aka Arabian Nights Island) is the 41st island ofPoptropica, released beginning in October, 2014.The first episodeis 'How Bazaar' (November, 2014). Lair of Thieves was released forgeneral play on January 8, 2015.

You enter the hideout of the thieves, by entering the pond rightof the city and saying 'Open Sesame' which triggers a hidden stoneelevator in the shape of a camel head. You are seeking the speciallamp that the Sultan said was stolen in episode 1, and you willneed to create a special weapon to help you find it.

1) Go right into the den of thieves, where a ritual is beingperformed. A prisoner is forced to use one of several lamps torelease a hidden mystic power. Unfortunately, he chooses the wronglamp and is apparently destroyed by the mystic statue.

2) Before you can escape, you fall through a broken board, getcaptured, and are thrown into a cell. Talk to the other prisoner inthe next cell, who knows about the Sultan's lamp. But you have tofree him from his cell.

3) Push the heavy bed to the right, over a weak part of thestone floor. Jump up until you break through the stone ceiling. Inthe higher cell, push the Heavy Ball to the right, down through thehole, and it will pull down the wall on the right.

4) Go right and leave the cells. Enter the ritual/treasurechamber where you entered. Do not let any guards or thieves seeyou. Swim to the sarcophagus in the center of the water. When thegold-counting thief looks away, jump up and grab the White Robefrom the statue.

5) Jump to the upper right before you continue right into thenext chamber. As you pass, pick up the jar of Quicksilver from theskeleton there.

6) When you find a jar of Black Oil, USE the robe and it willbecome black. Put it on and you will look just like one of thecommon thieves. Continue right to see the Crafting Table that thethieves use to make smoke bombs. Climb up and pick up someGunpowder. (The Head Thief seems preoccupied with her oillamp.)

6) Head back left toward the cell disguised as a thief. Jump upfrom the statue, go left above the coin counter, and go up into thetop chamber. Climb the ropes to the upper right, and collect someBorax from where two thieves are standing.

7) Go back down, and left to the cells. Near the top left, ahead guard will order you back to work. Go above him and find theViper Skin (the last of 4 ingredients that you will shortlyneed).

8) Go down, right and up to the old prisoner's cell door. Hegives you the formula you need to mix the 4 ingredients.

Poptropica Cheats 40 Thieves 2

9) Head all the way back right to the Crafting Table and use theformula by clicking each of the 4 ingredients the number of timesindicated: 2 parts gunpowder, 3 parts quicksilver, 1 part viperskin, 2 parts borax. You create the Magic Sand bomb. You can use itto turn stone and wood floors into sand.

10) As you finish, the Head Thief catches you and sets fire tothe crafting room, burning up your disguise. Equip the Magic Sandand press the spacebar to use it on the floor (right side) to leavethe crafting room.

11) Sneak back to your cell (or just get caught). Exit, climbup, and use the Magic Sand on the floor above the head guard. Theheavy ball will fall through, knocking him out, and you get theCell Key. Use the sand bomb again in your old cell to knock out theguard below the same way.

12) Use the key to release the old prisoner, and go right to thecoin counting thief. Sneak up on the left side and toss the sandbomb at his coins, and they will fall into the water, letting youand the prisoner get by him.

13) Go to the statue. At the collection of lamps, pair up thelamps and find the one (only unjeweled) lamp that has no duplicate.This is the Sultan's Lamp.

14) But the Head Thief catches you. The old prisoner pretends touse the real lamp to distract them and is destroyed, so that youcan escape. Climb up.

15) Now you have to quickly climb up as the big guard chasesyou. The rolling barrels and guards will try to stop you. Quicklyclimb the ropes, and jump the barrels, and jump the guard to reachthe rope at left. When you are cornered at the upper right, clickthe stack of barrels to roll them into the big guard. The boardsabove will collapse, knocking him out, and you can climb the restof the way to the exit.

16) Unfortunately, when you press the elevator switch, moreguards arrive. You are forced to use the lamp. This being theactual Sultan's Lamp, you are not destroyed, but receive the IslandMedallion for episode 2.

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*Episode 3 comes in March-April 2015.