Poptropica Island 5

Mar 07, 2014  Survival Island is the first episodic island released by Poptropica. Instead of arriving all at once, it was released in five separate episodes. The story follows your sudden crash landing on a strange island, your immediate need to seek warmth, food and shelter, and then some unsettling discoveries about who lives on this island. © 2007 - 2020 Sandbox Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.

Survival Island is the first episodic island released by Poptropica. Instead of arriving all at once, it was released in five separate episodes. The story follows your sudden crash landing on a strange island, your immediate need to seek warmth, food and shelter, and then some unsettling discoveries about who lives on this island. Here are all the details, including the full walkthroughs and cheats for all five episodes of Survival Island in Poptropica.

Survival Island Episode 1 – Crash Landing

Night has fallen and the temperature is dropping. Alone in the forests of the Yukon, you must find a way to build a fire — but time is running out.

Episode 1 Walkthrough

You’ll begin the first episode of Survival Island with a short cinematic featuring your balloon crashing into the wilderness. Your goal for this episode is to collect all the necessary materials to start a fire and stay warm. The episode starts with you hanging helplessly from a tree. Fear not: just click on the screen below your avatar and you’ll drop harmlessly to the ground.

Walk over to the left and you’ll find a Survival Handbook on the ground. Pick it up to place it in your backpack — you’ll need it!

Now go to the right and you’ll see a gnarled tree with exposed roots above an ice pond. Jump up on the branches to get to the top, where you’ll find a missing page for the survival handbook.

Keep moving to the right until you find a rock pile. Up above this rock pile and to the left you’ll find a dead branch. Jump onto the dead branch to cause it to fall and break apart into a pile of logs, which you’ll need for your fire.

Once again, keep running to the right. You’ll encounter a squirrel running up a tree. You’ll need to follow him up to his squirrel hole, but the way to get there is a bit complicated, since you can’t climb a tree like a squirrel. Instead, you’re going to run all the way to the left, to the edge of this area. You’ll find a woodpecker here, and he’ll fly off to the right. Jump through the branches and follow the woodpecker to his next spot. He’ll fly off again. Keep following him until he reaches the tree with the squirrel inside the hole. The squirrel will cover his ears, totally annoyed by the noise, and leave. This will allow you to collect the squirrel’s nest, which you can use as tinder for your fire.

Drop down to the ground and go to the right, entering the next map section.

Keep moving to the right and you’ll come to a large tree with a hole in it. Pick up the pile of wet kindling under the tree.

There’s another handbook page in the tree right above you. Pick it up to place it inside your survival handbook.

Run to the right again and enter the next map section.

You’ll be running on top of a fallen tree. There’s a hole here that you’ll drop into so that you’re inside the dead and hollow tree trunk. There’s a small family of hibernating rodents here. Run a few steps to the left, and pick up the mittens that have been placed inside the tree. How did they get there?

Jump back up outside of the hollow log and proceed to your right. There’s a tree here with another page from the handbook in the branches. Pick up the page to add it to your collection.

Walk a few more steps here and you’ll find a huge boulder. You’re going to need to move this rock, but you can’t push it with just your hands. You need a little leverage–and now we’re off to find some!

Run all the way to the left, back to the starting area, and then go left once more to enter another area of the map. A few steps away, you’ll find the fourth page of the survival handbook. You will also see a bag hanging from the branches in the tree above you. To get this bag, you need to go to the left and jump up into the branches. Once you reach the bag, click on it, and an item will fall out of it and land on the ground. Jump down and use your mittens to clear the snow. You’ve found the striker, a tool you can use to spark your fire.

Keep moving to the left and you’ll soon come to a tree stump with an axe sticking out of it. Put on your mittens (you need to have them on) and click on the axe handle. It will come out of the stump and you will place it in your backpack. You’ll use the axe handle later to pry the large boulder loose.

While you’re here, pick up the fifth and final page of the survival handbook.

Run all the way to the right until you get back to the large boulder. Equip the axe handle from your backpack and then click on the boulder twice. The first time, it will roll a little. Click on it a second time to push it even further. It will drop, and a piece will chip off. Pick up this piece, which you’ll use as flint for your fire.

The other thing that happens when you roll the boulder is that you’ve created a spot on the ground that is shielded from the wind. According to the survival guide, you need this to properly build a fire. Now you just have one problem: the only kindling you have is wet. That won’t do! We need to find some wood that is dry. Hey, how about looking inside the cave just to the right?

Once you get inside the cave, you’ll discover there’s a hibernating bear inside. If you wake him, he’ll chase you out. The trick is to pay attention to the bat who enters the cave with you. When he flies up, there’s a ledge there (you won’t be able to see it — just jump!) and you can use that to cross over the sleeping bear. Drop down on the other side and you’ll find some dry kindling. Go back over the bear and leave the cave.

Now you have everything you need to build a fire. Go to the sheltered spot to the left of the boulder and then click on the fire icon in the lower-left part of your screen. Follow the fire building steps that are outlined in your survival handbook.

  1. First, use the mittens to completely clear a patch of ground beneath the snow.
  2. Next, place the tinder (the squirrel’s nest) down.
  3. Then light the fire with the striker and tinder.
  4. Now “blow” on the fire with your mouse cursor (drag it up and down where it says to blow).
  5. Place the dry kindling on the fire.
  6. Finally, place the logs on the fire.

You’ve done it! You now have a warm fire in a sheltered spot and you’ve completed Episode 1 of Survival Island. Congratulations!

Survival Island Episode 2 – Hook, Line and Sinker

With no help in sight, your hunger threatens to overtake you. Can you catch your next meal under the ice — or will you become fish food?

Episode 2 Walkthrough

Survival Island Episode 3 – Distress Signal

A broken radio. A chance for rescue. Send a distress call if you can, but beware of who might be listening!

Episode 3 Walkthrough

Survival Island Episode 4 – Cabin Fever

Your rescuer offers a hot meal and a comfy bed, but you’re not his guest — you’re a prisoner. Can you escape the wilderness lodge before his next hunt begins?!

Episode 4 Walkthrough

Episode 5 – Escape!

The hunt is on! In the darkness before dawn, can you turn the tables on your pursuer and escape the woods once and for all?

Episode 5 Walkthrough

Poptropica Island 5

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< Mythology Island
This is a community-written walkthrough for Mythology Island. Feel free to revise and add helpful information!

Arrive on the Main Street of Mythology Island.

Museum of Olympus[edit | edit source]

Enter the Museum of Olympus. Watch the Titans vs. Olympians battle between Hades, Zeus, and Poseidon on the mural. Find the statue of Poseidon, and get the starfish on his face. Leave the museum and go to the far right.

Grove of Temples[edit | edit source]

Enter the Grove of Temples and enter the Temple of Apollo. Get a reed pipe from a box on the right, then locate the statue with the reed pipe. Talk to the statue and ask her to teach you how to play your pipe. Watch what she plays carefully, then follow. When you have passed her test, she will give you a tune that can be used to put Cerberus to sleep.

The Apple of Immortality[edit | edit source]

Return to Main Street, and go left. Climb up the stairs to the tree. When you get to the branches, go to the right, jump on the snake, go to the left (don't climb the honey), bounce up using the mushrooms, climb up the sleeping snake to the highest branch you can, go to the right, and meet the satyr. He will tell you to get 10 jars of honey. Just jump around the tree until you find them under a time limit of one minute. When you find all ten, go back to the satyr. Talk to him, and he will show you a secret path. Go up it, and stomp on the branch to get the apple down. Pick the apple up, and the satyr disappears. Zeus appears and tells you to get five sacred items for him. They are listed on a scroll that appears. Exit the tree, and Athena will show up. Ask her if she can help you, and she will tell you to look to the olive trees. If you need help, click on them if you see them.

Aqueducts[edit | edit source]

Now, go to the left. Go over the bridge, and click on the withered flower next to the Sphinx. She tells you to bring the water back. Go up to the aqueducts, and turn all the levers and push down all the bridges. Then, when the water flows down, the flower will be healthy and rainbow coloured. Click on it, and you pick it! Then, go to the ledge on the left. Jump onto the Sphinx, then jump onto that ledge. Get the pomegranates from the tree, then go back to the bull ring door. The easiest way to do this is to take a screen shot of the door, and then use your reed pipe to play those symbols. If you can't take screen shots here are the colours: Blue, Blue, Green, Yellow, Yellow, Red, Blue, and Green. Once you do, the door will open.

The Labyrinth[edit | edit source]

Go inside, and meet the Minotaur. He will tell you to find your way through his labyrinth. Go inside. You will get a string to guide your way from Athena. Go mostly to the right. It might take a while. Find Pan's ghost. Then go above him, and click on the column with the bones. Click on a bone, and it disappears. Make the bones spell out TEN. Once you do, the door will open. Go right. Find your way to the giant scorpion. Jump over it and continue right. Go out the door. You're not done yet! Click on the picture, and begin the red eyed snake challenge. You must click on the red eyed snake three times to open the stone wall. Once you do, you can get the golden ring from the Minotaur. Exit the Minotaur lair and go to the grove of temples.

Poptropica Survival Island Part 5

Temple of Poseidon[edit | edit source]

Go in the Temple of Poseidon. Go to the door. It won't open, so use the starfish you have and put it on the altar next to the door. It opens the door. Go in, and you will be on Poseidon's Beach. Go past the beach girls and to Aphrodite (Goddess of Love), and ask for help. She will give you a test where you must name some gods. They are: Ares, Hermes, Aphrodite, Artemis, Hestia, and Apollo. (Apollo was added in once the island updated.) Once you name them, she will give you a mirror that can transport you to the realms of the major gods (Lightning-Zeus, trident-Poseidon, heart-Aphrodite, skull-Hades). It is quite helpful. Then go left and dive in the sea. Go mostly to the right. Pass the barrier that you can't break through (You'll need help from Hercules to get it down later), and go left. Get the pearl from the giant clam (it knocks you over if you bump into it when it is closing), and go into the cave. You will be in the Hydra's lair. When its head makes a face, it's about to bite you. Jump, and try to land on the head. Hopefully it will knock the head out. When all the heads are knocked out, you can get its scale. Use the mirror to escape back to Aphrodite.

Poptropica Island Survival 5

Temple of Hades[edit | edit source]

Poptropica Island Walkthrough

Poptropica survival island ep 5

Now, go to the Temple of Hades. Click on the graffiti writing on the walls, then clean it up. The guy there will pay you one drachma (Greek coin). Then, go into the temple. Use the pomegranates putting them on the altar, and the door will open. Go in, and fall down the huge pit. Once you get to the bottom, tell Charon that you are ready to go. You must now avoid getting knocked into the river. First, a stalactite falls. Avoid it. Then, a flaming skull comes. Duck or jump over it. Then, a river alligator comes up from the river. Jump over its jaws. This process (rock, skull, alligator) repeats a few times, then it's over. A good way to do this is stand right on Charon. Don't do anything when the rock falls, it won't hit you, then jump over the skull and alligator. If you somehow stray from your original position, stand behind Charon before the next rock comes. Then, you will see Cerberus, the monstrous three headed dog. Use the song you learned to put him to sleep, then get his whisker.

Tree of Immortality[edit | edit source]

Now, go back to the Tree of Immortality. Athena will meet you there, and you will put together the secret message contained in the sacred items. It says 'Whoever wields the five sacred items will rule all of Poptropica!'. Then Zeus appears and take the items! Then Athena tells you to go to Hercules. Now, you must go to Hercules, who is in Herc's Hero Hut. Tell him you have a mirror to teleport with, and he will go with you.

Uprising against Zeus[edit | edit source]

Go to Poseidon's realm. Hercules will destroy the rock, allowing you to enter. Go in the palace, and meet Poseidon. He will give you his trident. Now, go back to Hercules, and go to Hades' realm. Hercules will push the boulder aside, and you can enter the throne room. Meet Hades, and he will give you his crown. Now, go to Zeus. Hercules will smash open the padlock. Go inside. Medusa will appear, and Hercules will be petrified. Go to the right, and use the drachma. Aeolus will give you a bag of wind. You go up to a ledge. Jump up the ledges and statues until you reach the top. If you fall to the bottom, talk to Aeolus and he will give you a refill. Once you get to the top, light the four statues of Zeus. Then, he will appear and challenge you to a fight. Now the final battle begins. Put on Hades' crown and Poseidon's trident and you'll transform into a god. In the battle, you have two priorities: collecting pink clouds(which act as your health bar), and shooting lightning bolts at Zeus. When Zeus lights up, he is invincible and your shots will be deflected, so don't shoot. It takes a few minutes. It's similar to the battle with Betty Jetty on Super Power Island, but you can't arrest Zeus. Once you're done, Athena gives you the medallion!

Poptropica Island Survival

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