Poptropica Poptropicon Episode 1

Poptropica Arabian Nights Island is here! Check below for your video and written walkthrough guides.

Nov 09, 2014  Survival Islands Cheats & Walkthrough – Episode 1 Crash Landing. In Survival Island Episode 1, Crash Landing, you have crashed onto an island and night is falling quickly. The temperature is also dropping and you must find a way to build a fire. Latest Poptropica Walkthroughs. Mocktropica Island Walkthrough & Cheats – How To Beat It.

Oct 01, 2014  That is it for episode 1 of Poptropica Arabian Nights Island! What did you think? Do you like it so far? Does everyone remember the “Create Your Dream” Island Contest?! Well the winner of that contest is now the person behind the Island, Arabian Nights. You will be taking a journey to an ancient land that features sultans, thieves, and a. What is PoptropiCon? PoptropiCon is the newest island in Poptropica, released on August 28, 2014. The new island will be delivered in episodic format, just like Survival Island and Mission: Atlantis. The first episode is called, Line Forms Here. Here’s the brief island synopsis: Everyone is dressed up for the biggest sci-fi and fantasy convention in.

Poptropica Arabain Nights Island Cheats

To start this island, you will need to head all the way to the right until you get to what the towns people call “the caves”. This is where you are going to find the 40 thieves who have been stealing everything from the towns people.

When you get to the caves, you will see a “Danger Keep Out” sign!

Go past this sign staying on the top most cave path.

Cheat or Hint: Watch out for the scorpions on the ground of the caves! They will hurt you.

Now, when you get to the first quick sand on the top path of the cave, drop down, go to your right and you should see a wooden box, push this box to your right until it drops and then push it all the way to the right again, jump on top of it and then jump up again.

You will see another path to the right the leads you to another section of the cave. go in it!

When you get into this section, you will see ladders on both sides of you. You need to get onto the ladder on the left. To do this, you need to jump all the way down to the right, go up the ladder on the right and push the box down that you see.

When it drops, push it all the way to the right and then use it to get to the next platform of rocks. You will see another box. Push this box off to the right and then all the way to the right again. You will use this to get onto the ladder on the left!

Now climb the ladder all the way to the top. When you get to the top, click on the rope which will drop down. In case you fall you can use this to get back up! You will also use it to climb down to the main area when you are ready.

Now, you should see a box to your right just on the other side of the rope. Push this down and then push it all the way to your right again. Use it to jump up to the next platform. Now go all the way to your right.

Cheat or Hint: Watch out for the quick sand here. If you drop, you will need to make your way all the way back up.

When you get all the way to the right, you will see a skeleton with a bag of salt. Grab it!

Now that you have the salt, we need to go to the guy in the picture below and trade with him.


He will give you a bag of grain for your bag of salt. Once you have the grain, you need to go to the woman below, which is just to your right, and trade with her!

Trade both the Grain and the Salt which will give you a lamp and some cloth. Once you have these, you need to go back to the other guy and trade with him again. You will want to trade the cloth with him. He will give you the spy glass which is what we need!

Poptropica Poptropicon Episode 1

Now go back to the woman and trade her again for some more cloth! We will need this for later.

Now we need to take the spyglass to the woman in the picture below and place it on the stand! She is just to the right of the woman we traded with.

Now it is time to look through the spyglass! This shows us where we need to go next. Go talk to the guy there and tell him “sounds like the thieves are pretty bold”. He will then tell you to set something valuable on the stone and the thieves will take it!

Click on the stone and select your cloth. This will place the cloth on the stone.

Poptropica Poptropicon Episode 1

Now let’s go back to the spyglass and look at the stone we put the cloth on to wait for the thieves to steal it! Pan to your right a little and you will see two thieves dressed in black! They will then steal the cloth but leave something behind. Go see what it is!

looks like they use smoke bombs to steal things! Now its time to head to the palace which is all the way to the left. I think we are going to need to use this smoke bomb!


When you get to the palace, jump on the platforms until you get like I am in the image above. Now equip your smoke bombs! You will need to wait until the guards go right next to each other when they are talking and then throw one bomb to get them both!

When you have stunned them both, enter the palace!

Now head to your left and talk to the sultan! Ask him “You Mean You’re Broke?” and he will tell you that the thieves took a precious lamp from him. Ask him how you can get it and he will say he does not know but take this precious jewel to try and trade for it!

Now it is time to go to one last guy and make a trade. Exit the palace and head right until you get to the guy in the image below.

Poptropica Poptropicon Ep 1 Walkthrough

Trade this man the jewel for a pearl. Now take this pearl to the woman we traded with earlier. She will give you an ivory camel for it!

Now take the camel back to the guy that we just traded the jewel with. He will trade you the camel for a camel bridle.

Now take out the camel bridle and use it on the camel. You will now have control of him and he will follow you almost anywhere!

Take him all the way to the stone where we set our cloth. Click on the stone and the camel will stay.

Now head back to the spyglass. Now pan to your right and you will see another thief trying to steal your camel. He will take the camel to the pond and something will happen! It looks like their hideout. I think its time to go check it out!

Run to the pond and a stone camel head will appear. Enter it! That is it for episode 1 of Poptropica Arabian Nights Island!

Poptropica Poptropicon Ep 1

What did you think? Do you like it so far?

Does everyone remember the “Create Your Dream” Island Contest?! Well the winner of that contest is now the person behind the Island, Arabian Nights. You will be taking a journey to an ancient land that features sultans, thieves, and a magical lamp with power that is beyond your imagination.

There will be three episodes to this island just like most of the recent island to come out.

As soon as this island goes live, I will be putting together both the written walkthrough as well as the video walkthrough guide. So remember, for your Poptropica Arabian Island cheats guides, there is no place better than poptropicaguru.com!

In Survival Island Episode 1, Crash Landing, you have crashed onto an island and night is falling quickly. The temperature is also dropping and you must find a way to build a fire. Time is running out so we need to find the supplies needed and get the fire built!

Survival Crash Landing Island Cheats

When you first get to the island, you need to take a look at your temperature which you can see in the bottom left hand corner of your screen. If this gets to low, you will freeze to death and have to start over!

Cheat or hint: To get down from where you are hanging, click on your character.

So now that you are down from your parachute, you need to start finding things for your fire. First thing you need to do is go to your left just a little and pick up the Survival Handbook laying on the ground. This will show you what you need to do to start a fire once you have all 7 pages!

Once you have the survival handbook, you will need to go just to your right maybe like a half a screen and jump on a branch which will drop down and turn into logs. You will need these for your fire!

Now that we have the logs, we are going to pick up one of the other pages to the survival handbook. Head to your right a bit, jumping up a small cliff, until you get to a small rock formation with 4 rocks. See the image below for the rock formation I am talking about!

Now you need to use the rocks and branches to jump to your left and grab another page of the survival handbook. This will be page 3 and will show you where to build your fire!

Now we need to head all the way to the left of this section, jump up to the first branch of the last tree and a woodpecker will be pecking at the tree. Jump up to the woodpecker and he will fly away to the right.

From this same branch, jump over to the right on another branch where you will find yet another page to your survival handbook. Now, remember where that 4 rock formation was? We need to go back there and scare the woodpecker again. He will then fly to the left but up in the trees. We need to find him again and scare him back to the right.

Head all the way to the left again to the ladt tree and use that tree to go to the top and jump across the different trees to find the woodpecker. He will be just past your parachute.

Cheat or hint: If you cannot find him, see the video walkthrough!

After you scare him, we need to find him one last time. He will be on the way right side of this area. Use the rocks and trees to get up to the height and jump over there. Again, if you are having trouble, please watch the Survival Island Crash Landing Walkthrough video!

Once we have gotten the squirrel nest by following the woodpecker, we need to go to a different section of the island to the right. When you get to the new section, head right until you get to the pieces of wood on the ground. Pick them up! We may or may not need this stuff for the fire.

Once we have gotten the wet kindling, we need to head right and go over to the next section of the island. When we get here, we will be on top of a log laying down. GO to the right a bit and you will drop down into that log. Head to the left and you will find a pair of mittens. These are crucial to us staying warm on Survival Island!

If you head right a bit more, outside of the log, you will come to a dead tree standing straight up. On top of that tree, there is another page to the survival handbook. Grab it!

Now we need to leave this section and run all the way through the next section so that we are back to where we started. Now we will go all the way to the left again and head to the next section over. When you get here, head to the left and you will find yet another page to the survival handbook on the ground.

Now we need to head to the left again and find a way to get to the top of the trees. When we get there, use the branches to jump all the way to the right until you get to a bag hanging from the trees. Click on the bag and something will fall to the ground.

Poptropica Walkthrough Poptropicon 3

Jump down to the ground and click on the spot. You will now need to uncover the snow with your mittens. Do this and you will find a striker. This is going to be a very important piece to starting a fire!

Now head all the way to the left until you get to an ax sticking out of a stump. Click on it. You will see that you cannot get it out! Go ahead and put your mittens on and try again.

Now you will have an ax handle. Now head all the way to the left again and push the big stump off the ledge. You will find another page to your survival handbook. Now it is time to head all the way to the last section to your right. We have all of the materials except two that we need to start our fire!

First thing we need to do when we get to this last section on the right is jump to the far right behind the huge round boulder. Go over to it and use your ax handle to push it down the hill.

Once you have done this, jump down from this hill and head right a bit. On the ground you will find a flint. There will be one last material you need to start your fire.

Now head into the cave to your right. To get through this section and get the last material you need to start your fire please watch the video!

Poptropica Poptropicon Episode 1 Walkthrough

Cheat or hint: If you do not do this part right, a bear will appear from the darkness and you will need to start this part over!

The last material in this cave is dry kindling.

Now get out of this cave, go to the round boulder again and push it once again to the left. This will block the wind from destroying your fire! Now it is time to start your fire.

To do this, please watch the video!

Poptropica Walkthrough Poptropicon Episode 2

That is it for the Survival Island Episode 1, Crash Landing, cheats walkthrough. I hope this helps you get through the island!