Poptropica Steamworks

The fourteenth island on Poptropica is called Steamworks Island and it has launched in early access for Paid members on Poptropica! Everyone else will need to wait nearly a month until September 9 when it becomes available for the public.

As with many other island releases on Poptropica, the Creators have been posting some sneak peeks and screenshots on the official Poptropica Blog. So far, we don’t know too much about the new island, except that it will involve lots of machinery. There’s a rusty robot, some kind of giant plant monster and special tools that you’ll use in your inventory. Probably the biggest difference in Steamworks Island will be the lack of Poptropica citizens. Part of the story is a mystery about where everyone has gone. Instead of seeing people walking around, you’ll find only machines and robots. The complete walkthrough below will show you how to beat Poptropica Steamworks Island

Video Walkthrough

The Steamworks Island Walkthrough is ready for you to check out! This is the fourteenth island and is pretty “techy” if you ask me. There are a lot of machines and robots that you have to deal with including an evil boss at the end of the island. This page was last edited on 18 May 2016, at 19:28. Content is available under CC BY-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors.

Part One of Steamworks Island

Part Two of Steamworks Island

Part Three of Steamworks Island

Written Walkthrough

Here is a full written walkthrough for Steamworks Island for those of you who don’t want to or can’t watch the videos. It gives you all the steps you need to beat Steamworks Island and earn the medal at the end.

Main Street

  • Walk over to the Clockwork Cantina and complete the gear puzzle. Place the two brown gears on the ends and the three blue gears go in the middle. Turn the crank when they’re all in place. Now pick up the Multi-Tool that just appeared on the ground.
  • Now walk to the right and you’ll see a garbage bin. Jump up on it to get the Steam Battery.
  • Walk to the right again and go inside the Museum. Run to the right and you’ll see a big yellow machine. Click on the blue lever to raise the arm. Then jump up on the platforms and make your way to the upper-right corner. Watch out for the darker platforms which will crumble and fall when you step on them. Grab the dirty beaker out of the display case in top right. Then exit the museum.
  • Go back to the Clockwork Cantina. Jump up and click on the blue lever here. A mechanical ramp will extend. Run up it and then jump onto the steam chutes to fly up and over the tower. You should land on top of a glass dome. Use your multi-tool to open it and then go down inside.
  • You’re now inside the Mayor’s office. Check out the painting and the note on the typewriter, which give you an important number to remember for later: 0516. Leave the office, jump back down to the street and run to the left to enter the next zone.

Gear Alley

  • Pass by Sully’s shop and go to the blue building in the middle. This is the living quarters. Jump up the platforms on the left side and then run past the door. You’ll see a robot crabhere. Jump up and land on top of him to make him bounce and flip over. When he does, he’ll drop Sully’s key. Pick up both the key and the robot crab.
  • Drop down to the street and go to the next building on the left. Jump up on to the steam chute and leap up to the roof. You’ll find an old vine here. Pick it up to place it in your backpack.
  • Run to the right until you get in front of Sully’s Steam Powered Paraphernalia store. There’s a Steam Terminal here. Use the steam battery in your backpack. You’ll get a puzzle here where you have to regulate the steam pressure in the terminal. The starting pressure is 10 and the ending pressure needs to be 5. You need to adjust the valves so that the pressure will lose five points as it travels to the end.

Sully’s Shop

  • Once you get inside Sully’s you’ll find a robot in the right corner. It’s Sprocket! Ring the bell on the desk next to him to wake him up. Then go pick up the rubber mallet from the junk box in the left corner.
  • Leave Sully’s and Sprocket will follow you. If you click on him you can ask him some questions. He’s not very talkative right now but you’ll hear a lot more from him later.
  • Head to the right to return to Main Street. Run all the way to the right side and then proceed onto the next zone, known as the Hub.

The Hub

  • When you arrive in the Hub, run along the ramp until you get to a metal hatch that is glowing red-hot. If you try to click it, you’ll see it’s much too hot to touch. Walk up to it and use the robot crab in your backpack. Sprocket the robot will take it from you and then drop the poor crab on top of the hatch. The water from the robot will cool down the hatch so that you can open it up.
  • Go down the hatch. When you get to the bottom of the ladder, Sprocket will look pretty scared. Make your way down the pipes until you run into a plant monster living inside them. Use the old vine from your backpack underneath the sign that says, Caution: Hot Steam. This will spray steam onto the plant monster and kill it. Move along to the bottom left of the room and you’ll find the bottom of an elevator. Click on the round hatch above.
  • Now you’ll need to solve three levels of a ball tilt maze game that’s a lot like the classic wooden box Labyrinth game. Spin the wheel either clockwise or counter-clockwise with your cursor to get the ball to the center. After you complete all three levels, the elevator will power up.
  • Go back up out of this area to the street. Go a few steps to the right and jump up onto the spring. After three jumps, you should land up next to another blue lever. Click the lever and the giant Hub wheel will start to move.
  • Go back down onto the street and run to the left. Jump up and grab the vines and climb up to a platform. Wait for the moving platform on the Hub wheel to come around and then jump onto it. Then jump off in the upper right corner (aim for the yellow pipe). Walk to the right and use the steam valve to jump up and to the left. Continue moving until you get to the elevator entrance to the Captain’s Cabin. Then go inside.
  • A soon as you enter, Sprocket will be captured by some plant vines. Go down and click on the metal window shutters to snap the vines and free him. When you do, he’ll speak to you for the first time and say, “Thank you.” Now you can talk to him and ask him questions and hear his story.
  • Run to the right and use the moving platforms to get up to the large painting. It’s a copy of the painting you saw in the mayor’s office.
  • Click on the dial at the bottom of the picture. This is a combination lock. The combination is the number from the mayor’s office: 0516. Starting with the innermost ring, click on each triangle to get the wheel to spin. Then click on it again when it’s pointing to the right number. The rings get faster so this can be tricky.
  • When you get the combination right, a secret door will open. Go inside and you’ll be in Captain Ziggs’ room. Go to the left and pick up the bridge key (on the floor) and the Weed Whacker (up on the wall). Then leave the room.
  • Go down and to the right and jump off the patio to return to the Hub zone. Go right until you get to the Steam Terminal at the end. Use the steam battery and then solve the puzzle. It’s just like the first one, but now you need to adjust the pressure from 10 to 16 (+6). Once you’re successful, the bridge will lower and you can run across.

Production Zone

  • Take a few steps to the right and jump on the spring to get to the platform above. There’s a control panel here with three red levers and a green button. Move all the levers to the down position and then press the green button. The giant wrecking ball will drop and hit the ground, creating a hole.


  • Jump down and go through the hole. Make your way down and to the right and you’ll enter a mechanical room. First, press the three red pressure pads on each side of the machine. Then you’ll need to press the two remaining pads (the ones on the machine) at the same time. Sprocket will offer to hold down one while you get the other.
  • The machine will turn on and the moving platforms above will start turning. Use this to get up to the top of the room. There’s a lever on the left wall. Click it to get another platform to move up and down. Then jump up to the right and use the platforms and vines to get to a moving conveyer belt. Here you’ll need to avoid blobs that drop from a plant monster.
  • Continue across the vines and soon you’ll find the Mech Steam Motor, one of two parts you’ll need to repair the Mech in Sully’s shop garage. Continue up on the vines and go up to the Greenhouse.


  • Walk to the left and you’ll find an area for mixing Herbicide. Pay attention to the chart on the wall. Use the dirty beaker from your backpack and then fill it with three parts blue, two parts green and four parts red. When you’re done, you’ll have some Herbicide Mixture.
  • Go to the right and then up to the platform above. Use the herbicide on the plant monster. It will shrink and disappear, revealing a maintenance closet. Go inside.
  • There’s an old custodian robot here. He’s holding onto the Living Quarters Access Key. Take it from him and then he’ll wake up and the alarm system will go off. You can’t leave the way you came because the security system has a pressure hose that knocks you back. This is where I got stuck on this walkthrough. Special thanks to DR3 from the PoptropicaSecrets.com community who provided the next step.
  • Go back out of the maintenance closet and then climb the vines above. Go to the left and you’ll see that the glass dome has some tiny white cracks here. Use the rubber mallet from your backpack to smash a hole in the dome and escape.
  • Now run all the way back to Gear Alley, which is on the left of Main Street.

Gear Alley Redux

  • When you arrive, go to the bottom of the living quarters building (blue) and jump on the right platform of the lever on the gear. This will raise the one on the left.
  • Take a few steps to the left, then jump up the platforms to arrive at the doorway to the living quarters. Use your steam battery on the terminal and then solve the steam valve puzzle again. This time, you need to adjust the steam by -3 to get it from 10 to 7. The door will open. Go inside.

Living Quarters

  • Go click on the blue lever on the left to make the platform rise. Use it to get up to the next level and continue making your way up. Jump on the blue button on the floor to make the ladder rise. You’ll need to quickly jump up the ladder because it falls back down a second or two later. When you get to the top left, there’s another door leading to Zack’s room. Go through it.

Zack’s Room

  • Go up to the top left corner and click on the wall to solve the next puzzle, which is a timed game where you have to get the steam to move safely from one corner to the other. You must click on the squares to reveal pipes underneath and then swap the pipes around to create a clear path. There are three levels to get through.
  • Go outside and then cross over the vine that acts as a tightrope all the way to the left, where you’ll find the Mech Crank which is the second piece you need to repair the Mech in Sully’s Garage.
  • Jump down to the street below and then go to Sully’s Garage.

Sully’s Garage

  • Use both the Mech Crank and the Steam Motor from your backpack on the Mech. It will be repaired and now you can walk around in the Mech. Is this the coolest thing ever in Poptropica or what? You’ll also get a teleporter device that you can use to instantly travel back to the Mech from anywhere you go on Steamworks.
  • Walking in the Mech, head out of the garage and over to the left. There’s a big doorway covered by vines. Attach the weed whacker from your backpack to the Mech and then use the spacebar to smash all the vines. Go through the door when it’s clear.

Storage Room

  • Now you’re inside a storage area. Make your way through, using the space bar to smash plant monsters that attack. At one point, you’ll need to leave your Mech and power up one of the lifts. Then get back in the Mech and ride it up to the next platform.
  • Continue through this zone, killing plant monsters as you go until you get to the final plant monster in the room and get rid of him. Go through the doorway to the next zone.

Wind Zone

  • Go down the ramp to the left and you’ll find a giant windmill. Walk all the way up to the blades and then Sprocket will offer to help.
  • Exit the Mech and stand on the blades as they spin to ride almost to the top. Then jump onto the platform above. Use your multi-tool to stop the blades. Sprocket will open the door.
  • Get back in the Mech and go through the doorway.

Hibernation Center

  • And now we finally learn the secret of what happened to all the inhabitants of Steamworks Island. First, exit the Mech and go to the machine. Use the multi-tool on it and the room will light up.
  • Zack will emerge from hid hibernation chamber and he and Sprocket will be re-united. How sweet!
  • The mayor will also appear and tell you the story of what happened. Then you’ll see and hear bumps from below. There’s still work to be done.
  • Jump up to the platforms on the right and get the Toxic Blaster. Then get back in your Mech and attach it.
  • Take the elevator down to the next zone.

Tunnel System

  • Move through the room and shoot down the attacking plants by aiming with the mouse and using the spacebar to fire. Kill all the plants.
  • You want to end up on the platform just above the floor. If you miss it, you’ll need to stand on the bolt/screw thing and spin it to raise yourself up.
  • There’s a moving platform here. Wait for it and then ride it across to the doorway and prepare for the final battle…

Plant Hive

  • You’re now in the final boss battle. There are three boss monsters to kill and to make things even tougher, acid starts to fill the room from below. If you touch the acid, you lose and have to start over. You only have a short time to defeat each boss monster.
  • The basic technique for all three monsters is to get up close enough so that they try to strike you with their heads. It’s kind of like the Hydra from Mythology Island. When they do, you can shoot them, causing a splat. Each monster needs to be splatted three times and then it will disappear and you can move on. There are some basic moves for each monster: move into position so that he starts to attack, then duck and wait for his head to snap back, then shoot. For the second and third monsters, you need to avoid the seed pods and bombs they hurl at you. If you’re still having problems with this, read my complete Final Boss Cheats Guide for Steamworks, which has a step-by-step video.
  • After you defeat the final plant monster, you’ll re-appear next to the mayor, who will present you with the island medallion. Congratulations!

The official Poptropica Steamworks promo page is also available and it has a short teaser summary of the plot, which is as follows:

The silence of empty streets welcomes you. Metal and machines fill the lonely halls, and a growing mystery lurks behind a shroud of steam. Can you uncover what happened to the inhabitants of this ancient island? Gear up for a steam-powered adventure you will never forget!

The Creators posted the official trailer for the island on August 4, 2010 and it reveals a few more details about the soon-to-be-released quest including the names of some of the buildings and the different machines you’ll encounter along the way.

Here are a few screenshots from the island:

Exploring the Production Zone after crossing the drawbridge at the Hub.
The multi-tool for Steamworks Island
The Multi Tool is a collection of Gizmos that you’ll use on the new island.
Inside the Greenhouse in Poptropica Steamworks Island. Hey, Hazmat was here!

Steamworks Island

The silence of empty streets welcomes you. Metal and machines fill the lonely halls, and a growing mystery lurks behind a shroud of steam. Can you uncover what happened to the inhabitants of this ancient online virtual world? Gear up for a steam-powered adventure you will never forget.

Video Playthrough

Poptropica Cheats for Steamworks Island

Let's gun our engines. When you arrive on this deserted island, go a little right to reach the Clockwork Cantina. Click on the robot, and you will see a mini game, where you have to put the gears in the correct order. Put the larger ones on the top and bottom, making sure they mesh with the ones already there. Then make a straight path using the leftover smaller ones. Spin the handle and the gears will start spinning. Collect the Multi-Tool the robot drops behind. Now go right and collect the Steam Battery from the Garbage bin. Go back, climb the Cantina, and pull the lever on top to activate the long arm. Go over it, then hop off and use the steam blowers to get over the tall smokestack. Reach the glass dome from the other side, then use your Multi-Tool to open the hatch. Drop in.
Drop off the ladder and you'll be in Mayor Crumb's office. He's missing, just like everyone else on this island. Go right to the typewriter. It will have an unfinished message on it. The 'captain', whoever he is, told every one to remember a number: 0516. So remember it! Leave the office. Drop off to the right, then run right into the Museum. Go right and turn on the machine. Jump left and onto the arm of the machine you just activated. Jump past the platforms up and left, to reach the other side. Keep going left, past the other set, and climb the vine. Switch from vines, heading right. Jump over the two loose bolts to the right. Once safely on the other side, collect the dirty beaker. Leave the museum and run left, into the other area (you'll find Sully's Paraphernalia there.)
Keep going left, jumping over the obstacle and going down the hill. Jump on the right side of the lever to bring the other side up. Go a little left, and jump onto the blocks, going up. Reach the Steam Terminal marked #7, and go right. Jump onto the robot crab. It will flip over and drop a key. Collect both and then go back to the closed door of Sully's Paraphernalia. Use the Steam Battery with the key to open the door. What you have to do is somehow achieve the required pressure (on the right meter) from the starting pressure (on the left meter.) The 'Total Change' at the bottom will tell when you're done. When you are, spin the dial. It's fairly easy to beat this -- pure adding & subtracting. The door will open. Go in and right.
Ring the bell on the desk to wake up the robot there. He will start following you, but he won't answer any on your questions. Yet... go left and pick up the mallet from the junk pile. Leave the shop. Go into the garage at the right, past the obstacle, for the Mech, which is losing two parts. Leave this area and go left, past the big lever, and jump onto the steam blower. It will push you up to the top. Collect the old vine there, then drop off the roof. Go all the way right, past Main Street, into the Hub. Go right, and to the burning hot hatch. Sprocket looks like he could help... use the robot crab here. Sprocket will break it and dump the cold water on the hatch, cooling it off so you can go in.
Drop down the ladder. Hey, Sprocket looks completely freaked out! Let's go without him, then. Go a little left, and you will see something move in the pipe! Go left, and onto the bridge. Drop down and go right, to find a HIDEOUS PLANT MONSTER!!! It will burst out of the pipes! Now, quickly, use the old vine to pull the pipe above down. The hot steam will engulf the monster, and you are saved! Sprocket will join you again. Go right, past where the monster was, and drop down. Run left, to find a 'tilt puzzle.' You have to tilt the maze to get the ball to the finish. Do this three times, and power will be restored to the elevator.
Go back up and climb the Hub. Do this by using the pipe to the right of the hatch to climb to the platform above. Use the spring to jump onto the platform with the lever. Pull it, and the Hub will start turning. Drop off, then get back to the spring. Go right, and get onto the small platform to the right. You'll see the hub spinning above. Jump on the brown band, and use the vines to make your way left (switch from the vines like for the museum.) Reach the other small platform, and hop onto the Hub. It will take you upwards. Now, jump off onto the pipe on the right when it reaches. Use the steam blower to get onto the raised platform to the left. Reach the vine from there, and slide off to the left, HARD. You should land on a metal platform next to the elevator. Go up using it.
Uh-oh. Sprocket will be attacked by plant tendrils! Click on him to go down, then shut the hatch covers closed to snap them. He will thank you. Wait... he talks! Ask him to describe Zack. You'll see a hologram of him, but you still don't know where everyone else went. Then go right, and use the moving platforms to reach the Captain's Quarters up there. Use the rotary dial to punch in the number from before -- 0516. You'll need to click early on the larger dials. Enter the secret passage that will open. This is creepy! I hope we don't get hit by any more freaks! You can also costumize with the picture of Captain Ziggs Sprocket shows you. Collect the Bridge Key on the left and the Weed Whacker Mech attachment directly above it. Is that Captain Zigg's dead body? Ohh... Leave the area, and run all the way right outside the Hub to the drawbidge. Use your Steam Battery here with the key you got just now. You know the drill. Cross the bridge once it opens.
Use the spring to reach the controls on the platform above. Click on them, then bring both switches down and press the green button. The wrecking ball will drop, breaking the weak ground. Go down. Whoa! I never thought there would be something down here... besides that wrecking ball. Go all the way right and drop to the ground. What you will have to do is press six switches all over the room to activate the big ones shaped like toasters. Here's the way to go...
Left Side
  1. Go left, jump up to turn on first switch. Drop down, go left
  2. Hop up, activate next one. Make you way over the big barrier to the left using the platforms.
  3. Next switch, return to toasters. The left side lights should all be on now.

Steamworks Poptropica Code

Right SidePoptropica steamworks
  1. Run right, turn it on; jump up
  2. Go left and press next switch
  3. Jump up and right, last switch. Return to the double toasters
All the lights should be on now. Press one switch, and ask Sprocket to press the other. Voila! The machinery above will start running. Return to the last switch you turned on. Remember how you got out of there? Do the same (jump up & right, and then left. Keep going until you see the panel.) Climb onto that one. You won't be able to stand on it until it completes the turn, though! Jump off to the right. Go right, jump up left, keep going and jump onto the next flipping panel for a brief moment before jumping off to the left, to reach the fat platform. Switch to the next one to the left, and then onto the long platform to reach a red lever. Pull it. The last fat panel you jumped on will start moving. Use it to jump off right. Keep going, then use the vine to get to the conveyor belt above. Sprocket will freak out, and you will soon find out why. Time yourself to avoid the falling bubbles, then reach the vine on the left.
Switch between vines to reach the next belt. Don't worry; no monsters here. Just the Mech Steam Motor. Collect it, then use the vine to reach the next level. Sprocket will freak out again. Big surprise. Never mind for now, but we'll have to gear up for more monsters. Go left, and use the poster in the lab to make the Herbicide mixture. You'll have to use that dirty beaker from before. This is it: B-3, G-2, R-4. They need to be measured EXACTLY in the beaker. The color names are abbreviated. Leave the lab, and use the vine to reach the upper floor. There you will find another hideous mutant plant monster. Get close, and use the Herbicide to shrink the plant. The new pausing feature can help a ton. Enter the maintenance closet behind it, and collect the key. The alarm will be activated, and you cannot leave the way you came in. Quick, exit the closet and jump to the very top floor, the one with the dome. Run all the way left, and use the rubber mallet. The glass will smash letting you escape. Hooray! You're free.
Run all the way left, to the Living Quarters. It's where you got the robot crab. You'll have to use the big lever again. Use the Steam Battery with the next key to open the area. Now follow the following instructions on how to find Zack(Sprocket's owner)'s room. Be sure to avoid the cracked platforms!
  • run all the way left
  • pull the lever to activate the moving platform
  • hop onto it and jump off right, being careful to avoid the cracked area
  • go right and jump over the gap and other small cracked block
  • jump onto the blue switch and you will have some time to climb up the ladder
  • jump off left, and keep going, jumping over the cracked step
  • hop over the gap and enter room 003, Zack's room.
Hooray! You made it without getting lost, I hope. Sprocket will remember the room, and show you a costumizable hologram of Zack. Done drooling over it? Good. Go all the way left and climb up the vine. Drop off right, and if you keep going you'll find there's no way to reach the top floor. Yes, there is. Click on the pipes to play the steam pipe challenge, in which you have to remove panels and rearrange pipes to let the steam reach the end. But you have to do it before the steam catches up to you. When you're done a ladder will appear out of the ground. Use it to reach the top floor, and use that exit. From here, run left on the vine until you reach the next platform, with the Mech Crank. It's the final Mech Attachment.
Drop down and run right until you reach Sully's Garage, beside the metal barrier. Run right and onto the crate. Jump up and walk a little left, to find the Mech. Use the Mech Steam Motor and Mech Crank to finish the Mech, which was originally started by Zack 200 years ago to escape the mutant plants. Now that it's complete, you can sit in it. You'll first collect the Mech Transporter, which will bring you back to your Mech in case you lose it. It is extensible, which means you can attach accessories to make it do even cooler stuff. They are aimed by your mouse and activate by the spacebar. The Mech is by far the most awesome item ever in Poptropica! You can walk around using it, the jumping isn't great but I love it anyway. You have to get out to talk, but that won't be happening much on this island :). At first, though, the Mech is VERY hard to control. But you'll get the hang of it. Leave the garage and go all the way left, to the door with the plant branches around it. Attach the Weed Whacker, and whack away the branches in two quick hits. Then go in, to the Storage area.
Whan Sprocket looks that way, you know trouble is ahead. Drop down and squash the plant attacker by whacking him. Go left and jump onto the giant springy plant. It will you up a floor. Leave the Mech and jump up to activate the elevators with the wheel. Jumping on an elevator turns it on. Take the elevator up and head right, destroying three more enemies. Take the next elevator and you will find another foe. It's throwing red fruit bombs that can knock you back. You can find out about the evolution of this plant monster in the Creator's Blog archives. Duck the bombs or use the Whacker. It's easier to duck, though. Keep going left this way. You can *CRUNCH* once you get close enough. Use the elevator and cross the gap on the moving platform a little to the right. Take the next elevator and head left. The next monster is too easy to beat; just splat it's tongue when you get close enough. Then, with no defenses, it will easily be destroyed with a simple whack. Exit this freakazoid mutant storage room through the hexagonal door.
You are now in the Wind Zone, a calm, cool place, which you can tell just by looking at Sprocket's expression. Go left and whack the windmill blades. Sprocket will offer to help only if you stop them. Leave the Mech, go a little left, and use the vine to get onto the platform to the right (get off the vine.) Hop onto a windmill blade. It will carry you up. Jump off at the top and try to turn the gear. It won't budge, but I have a solution for that... use the Multi-Tool and it will turn, stopping the blades. After Sprocket has opened the door, get back in the Mech and enter the doorway. This is the Hibernation Center, where all the residents of Steamworks have gone to sleep to avoid the plant monsters. Go left and use the Multi-Tool to activate the machines and free the residents. Hooray! Sprocket finds Zack, finally after 200 years of painful waiting! Talk to the lady there with the gears for hairbands, the Mayor's wife. Wait... what's happening?! Uh-oh. The plants aren't gone yet!
Run right and climb up using the platforms, and jump off right. Collect the Toxic Blaster and drop down to the ground, after attaching it. Go down the dreaded elevator, then follow these directions closely:
  • Shoot these little monsters with the herbicide blaster. Work your way down like so...
  • Run right really fast, shooting monsters. These are tough!
  • You will probably fall all the way or partway down. Where you need to be is the second from bottom floor
  • TIP: if you fall all the way down, go left and use the screwy thing to get back up. This is tougher, though!
  • When you're there, use the moving tractor platform to reach the other side. Go through the doorway to the right to start the final battle.
Whoa! Here's the root of the problem... three evil plant monsters living below Steamworks. This part is supposed to bet tough, but no, it isn't really. What you gotta do is blast all three mutants three times each to bring peace to the island. They are very similar to the Hydra from Mythology. Get close to them, and they will attack. For the first one, get close and duck when he get ready to stick his head out. Then shoot after he does. Do this three times and he will be defeated. And did I mention the acid rising up? Run left and use the elevator to rise up and avoid the acid. Hop off right and keep going. Use the elevator and the next guy will be there, to the left. He's the same as the the previous one, but he shoots bombs at you which you should shoot down. This one's tougher 'cause he can push you back into the shaft. My trick is to keep shooting at the thingies he uses to shoot the pods. They fire in a set pattern.
Poptropica steamworks full walkthrough

Poptropica Steamworks Cheats

Done? Good. The hardest one is coming up! Hop onto the next tractor platform to go left. Don't worry; he won't come alive again. Jump off and use the other elevator and go right to find the big boss. Same story, but this guy has prickly bombs dropping from the ceiling on you! Back up when they fall. This one shoots his pod launchers simultaneously, so watch out! Whew! Finally, you've beaten every single one! You'll find yourself in the Hibernation Center and Mayor Crumb's wife will personally hand you that golden, shining island medallion to you, along with 100 credits. Buy yourself a nice costume. You'll need it after all that fighting with the plants!

Poptropica Cheats For Steamworks Island


Poptropica Steamworks Thinknoodle Walkthrough

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