Poptropica Survival Ep 5

Survival Island is the 39th island on Poptropica. It was the first island to be released in parts, or 'episodes.' The first episode was released on March 20 for members and April 17th for non-members. There are five parts, or 'episodes' in total to complete. While you're flying in a storm, the. Nov 17, 2014  Escape! Is episode 5, the final episode of the Poptropica 'Survival' quest (aka 'Survival island'). Having completed episodes 1 through 4, you are pursued by your mysterious rescuer (inspired by a.

Escape! is episode 5, the final episode of the Poptropica'Survival' quest (aka 'Survival island').

This is the first Poptropica Island to be released in multiple 'episodes'. This, and all islands after it, have no common (multiplayer) rooms, no blimp on Main Street, no domains registered for it that redirect to poptropica.com, and no ad rooms (they do however have huge ad spaces between areas).

Having completed episodes 1 through 4, you are pursued by yourmysterious rescuer (inspired by a classic short story 'The MostDangerous Game') and must turn the tables to survive.

*see the related questions for the full solutions to all of theSurvival episodes.


Having escaped from his hunting lodge, you are nonetheless beingchased by the evil hunter Myron Van Buren and his dogs.

1) Run as quickly as possible to the left. Click above or higherthan your player to jump the puddles and the shrubs (get very closebefore clicking). Click below or lower than your player to duckunder the snow-covered branches of only the backgroundtrees. (*They often occur in the same order: puddle, tree, shrub.)You will fall into a shallow hole that leads to a series ofcaves.

2) You meet Max Magullicutty (MM), the pilot of the plane fromepisode 3. He's been hiding from Van Buren underground. Because hehas a bad leg from the crash, he needs you to execute his plan totrap the hunter. You need a rope, a gear, and a whistle, to use atthe sawmill just above the caves.


3) There is one useful item in the lower cave: a fishing rod.Collect it there.

4) Go right and up to exit the main room of the cave: there arethree exits to your right. You can start at the farthest one andwork your way back, or you can do them in any order. If you arecaught, you will continue from the previous point.

Poptropica Survival 4

- Far Right (snare traps)

5) Jump up from the cave and avoid the trap on the first tree,swim or cross to the right avoiding traps and the dog. In the poolbelow, a beaver is caught in a cage trap. Free him a GEAR from thetrap. Cross back to the left and exit.

- Middle Right (flipping rocks)

6) Lift and roll the large flat rock end-over-end leftward tothe opening, so that you can jump up from it. Beware the dog nearthe hole, who patrols back and forth. Flip the other flat rockright until you reach another pivot rock - you have to hide in thebush when the dog is coming toward you.

7) Use the rock to jump to the rocks and trees above. Flipanother rock to the left, and click the tree to push it over. Thereis a bear caught in a rope trap. Go right, and up, then come backleft to where the rope is tied. Click to release the bear, thenjump down to recover the ROPE.

- Near Right (noisy branches, Van Buren, tent and dog)


8) When Van Buren walks away left, jump up and follow him, avoidthe noisy ground branches. Jump into the tree past the woodpeckernest. Climb up, go right to the next tree, then jump *hard* to theright to reach the tree above the tent.

9) Equip your fishing pole. Use the spacebar to lower the hook,which will bring up the WHISTLE. When the dog moves away, jump downleft back into the caves and back down to the main room.

10) Back in the cave room, Max tells you to set up the trap, buthe gives you no details about how to do it! (You could actuallyjust continue left to the sawmill without seeing him.)

11) Climb back up, go left to the left hole, just below thesawmill. When Van Buren goes off to the right, jump up and run leftto the mill. Cross over the Clutch Pedal that connects to the saw,and Use the gear to add it to the saw assembly.

Youtube Poptropica Survival Episode 5


12) Jump onto the water wheel to reach the upper floor. Push thelarge box off to the right onto the hook below. Use the rope atleft to connect it to the other rope and the saw gears below. Nowif anyone steps on the Clutch Pedal, the box falls and trapsthem.

13) Van Buren is nowhere to be seen, so step back and blow theWhistle (Use) to lure him.

14) Your plan backfires! He is right behind you, and you stumbleinto your own trap!

15) Fortunately, Max has befriended the huge bear you released,and he rides it to the rescue, smashing open the box. As Van Burenaims his bow, you jump up from the pedal and he is pulled backwardby the gears, becoming hooked on the water wheel, to the amusementof the beavers.

16) You receive the Episode 5 Island Medallion, and you and Maxleave in Van Buren's helicopter.