Poptropica Cheats

Mission Atlantis Island

  1. Poptropica, a virtual world for kids to travel, play games, compete in head-to-head competition, and communicate safely. Kids can also read books, comics, and see movie clips while they play.
  2. Poptropica Walkthroughs & Cheats Here is a list of all the island walkthrough guides we have on our site! You can find each and every island here and if for some reason the one you are looking for is missing, leave a comment to let us know!

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You're shooting a high-budget underwater movie, when some strange creatures attack your vessel. It's a different world under the sea… but the ancient secret at the bottom of the ocean is beyond your wildest dreams.
This is the second island to be released in multiple 'episodes'. Scroll down for the full island guide!

Full Video Walkthrough

Scroll down for the full written guide.The Mission Atlantis video walkthrough is in multiple parts, one for each episode. Click the icons below to jump to each part, or click here for the full playlist on YouTube.

Written Guide

Episode 1

That's for refusing me the key!
The director of a high-budget underwater movie (appropriately named 'Cam') has contacted you to film a scene -- how awesome! But there's a few things wrong: this guy has lost the key to his own sub, and his own crew doesn't trust him to use the sub anyway. Also the ship is called 'Medusa'.
Anyway, go to the topmost deck of the boat and talk to the man there. He won't give you the key! Use the railing to jump to the platform above him, and click on the bucket. It'll splash out and you collect the bucket. Drop down to the lowest deck and click on the squid. Your bucket will fill with ink; now go back to the platform above the man with the key. USE the bucket of ink, and the man will be blinded. Drop down and grab his key. Go to the left of the bottom deck and click on the lock.
What are you waiting for? Click on the sub. Click the mouse in the direction you want to move there. Go all the way down, and follow the yellow sea dragon. When it gets near the bottom, click it and keep your ship facing it for a few seconds. You have your first photo!
Go down and left until you get to an orange vent (see images below). Click on it once or twice, and the purple fish will swim to the bottom of the rock. Go down, click on the green one, go right, click on the purple one, go up, and click on the barreleye fish. That's your second photo!
Final cuttlefish positions
(Click to enlarge)
Now back up, go up, and do a sharp right. Go down-right until you see the stonefish. He's camera-shy, so back up into the cave and then you can photograph him.
Now go right and up, to the cuttlefish hideout. There's many red cuttlefish and a purple cuttlefish here, and there are red plants and purple plants here. You want to photograph the purple fish against the red plant. If you go too close to a plant, the fish hiding in it will go to the nearest unoccupied plant.
Imagine that the bottom three plants are an upside-down triangle. So, push the red fish out of the plant at the left, and push the purple fish into that plant. Push the red fish into the plant at the bottom of the triangle. Then float up -- there are two more plants are two more red fish here. Push the fish on the left out of the plant. Go down and push the purple fish out; it'll go up. Go up and right, and push the red fish out of the red plant. Then push the purple fish; it'll go into the plant to the right. This plant is red! Click on the fish to take a picture. Whew, so much work for one fish!
Go up and left, then go down at the first chance. Go left again, to the next area.
Go left and down, and float over the red fish. Carefully avoiding the purple sea urchins, go right and float over the other red fish (only go down when the vent stops blowing). Both are following you now. Go down-left and pick up the next fish in the same way. Go left, then up, and turn right at the fork. Go up, then turn right. Go all the way up, then go right, to where you started. Then go down-left again until you see the brown anglerfish. Take a picture. Now go back to the main area to the right.
Hey, look, a hydromedusa! (A hydromedusa is one stage in the life-cycle of a hydrozoan jellyfish). Sounds like just the kind of fish you'd like to meet! Follow it right to the next area. There it is, hovering over a deep chasm. Click on it to take a picture. Hey... what's that in the background? AHH! More of them! Hundreds more hydromedusae! They'll 'electrocute' your poor sub to shreds, and you'll plummet into the deep...
Finally you land on a ledge. Because of the water pressure (the amount of water above you -- even water has weight), you cannot float up. Hobble over to the right, and... hey, what are those purple lights...?
It's the lost city of Atlantis!

Episode 2

But how do you get in? Go right until you get to a purple glass column. Bash your vessel against it twice, and it'll crack open. Go inside. Now you're in the center of the fortress. Here, there are three exits that lead to the three main rooms of the fortress. There is also a huge orange-red circular door with three sea animals carved into it Each room has one of those animals. Now, go into the room below you.
You're in one of Poptropica's favorite pipe mazes. Look around until you spot two gray pieces with markings on them in the pipes. You have to get them out. Go to the top-right and you'll see a red button there. Starting from there, make a pipe from there to one of the artifact pieces (click a pipe section to rotate). Then click on the button. A pufferfish will be sucked in and go through the pipes, knocking the puzzle piece out! Repeat with the other piece, then make another path to the big tank at the left. The fish will get trapped in a force shield. Here's a diagram:
One down, two more to go. Now go to the top right of the area and go up through the passage, to the next scene. This room is full of doors that cannot be shattered. To open a door, you have to power the purple circle that's connected to it by a red wire. But how do you power the circles? With jellyfish.
Go up, and go left at the green sea grass. Go all the way left and stop; below you is a nest of hydromedusas. When you go down, one will start to follow you. You can lead it to a purple circle to activate the door it's connected to, but if you get too close you'll get shocked and if you let it out of your sight you'll have to go back. Instructions (scroll down for a diagram):
  • Get a jellyfish, activate the first purple circle above the nest
  • Get another jellyfish, enter the door you just opened and activate the circle there.
  • Collect the puzzle piece.
  • Get another jellyfish, go to the first door you opened and activate the nearest circle there.
  • Enter the door you just opened and go left; collect another puzzle piece.
  • Get another jellyfish. Go up and then go right exactly straight. Activate the circle there.
  • Get another jellyfish and go to the last circle you activated. Go right, staying on the top side of the fork to avoid the electric eel. At the end, go down and left; activate this circle. Remember, even if the jellyfish or eel shocks you, the jellyfish will still stick around.
  • Get another jellyfish and go to the top-right. Enter the doors you just opened and go all the way right; activate the circle here. It'll open a door below the eel.
  • Get another jellyfish and go through the door you just opened. The top fork will be easier again. Go down and left; the jellyfish will follow you into the force field and become trapped.
Poptropica cheats escape from pelican rock (Follow the numbers in order in the diagram below). Now go all the way up to the top of the area and go up the passage to the next area... the shark area.Click to zoom
Go up; a fish will go through a tiny hole. Smash into the glass there and go in. The fish will start following you. Go left and smash the next glass. Go left and get the puzzle piece. Back out and go all the way up, until you hit the platform. Go left and up. There will be two panes of glass to either side of you. Smash each one and take the fishes out from each. Then go up and left. Smash the glass near your right and enter, getting the fourth fish. Go back left and up. There's a silhouette of a SHARK above you!
We need to lure him out. Float in front of the glass to the right... the shark will start trying to break out! It'll attack the fish before it attacks you, though. Go down as fast as you can, in any direction (staying to the right works best). When you reach the absolute bottom of the area, go to the red tank in the center. The shark will try to follow you in but get stuck in the force field!
Now go back to where you found the shark. Go right across from there, and break the purple glass. Go right and collect the puzzle piece. Now go to the bottom left of the area and go down, back to the main area.
(See the detailed diagram to the right).
Hey, we're back in the main room! Click ASSEMBLE on the puzzle and arrange the puzzle. Now click on the glowing purple seat. Turn each ring of the puzzle piece until you see the smooth pattern: a small fish, then a bunch of larger fish behind it, then even more medium fish behind, then a big fish, and a huge fish all chasing each other.
Now you'll see some purple buttons. If you've been paying attention to similar markings around the fortress, these markings represent numbers. Click the numbers in order from smallest to largest (1-6) according to the following picture and the written one below.
  1. bottom-left
  2. right
  3. left
  4. bottom-right
  5. top-left
  6. top-right
Suddenly, the door will become charged and spin around to admit your ship! Just as you're sucked into the purple void, an alien transmission appears...
I wonder where we're going... and I wonder if we'll be welcome there...
Throughout the rooms of the fortress, you can take pictures of six alien glyphs. These glyphs represent numbers in the alien language. Here they all are, for your convenience (click to zoom):

Episode 3

You start off deep in the heart of the ship, in front of the locked door. If you can't escape, then explore! Go down and right, to the next area. Whoa! Who is that transmission from? Anyway, keep going right and exit to the next area. Go all the way up, to the next area. Go up and around the large sphere, then go right to the switch. Press the green button and a charged green disk will fly out, which you can push.
Push it up, around the huge sphere, and then down through the gate at the far right. Push it into the green target on the bottom and suddenly, some some strange purple images will start flashing before your eyes. These aliens definitely look sinister.
The door you entered will close. Go up and press the red switch to open the other door, and leave. Go all the way left to the end of the area, then go down. This area will be lit up, showing ancient creatures such as trilobites, anglerfish, early reptiles, and some huge monster that (hopefully) doesn't exist anymore. Go all the way down and left, to the next area.
Click to zoom
Go up through the gate, and press the red switch to open the door. Go left through the door and press the green switch to get a charged disk. Push it right, through the door you just opened. Press the red switch again. Push the disk up, through the door, and stop it there. Now go up without the disk and then go all the way left; there'll be another red switch next to a green door. Press the switch and go down through the door, then go right; there's your disk! Get behind the disk and push it left, through the door you came through. Push it up, through the door by the switch. Then keep pushing it all the way to the top-right, where it'll slide into the disc reader. More images... this spaceship is old! A transmission about 'life support' will come. Sounds like the ship is preparing for something big!
Go all the way down and go back right, to the animals area. Go up. Uh oh... looks like the huge monster is alive and at large! Go right, past the broken cage, and all the way right. Go a little down, then as far left as you can. Go down again. The lights return, and... another switch! Press it to get the disk, then push the disk up. Push the disk hard into the hole to the right. The monster will pop out and eat it! Quickly pass the monster.
Press the red switch to the right, then go up through the newly opened doorway. Go left; you'll loop around back to the green switch. Press it to get another disc, then go back the way you just came. Press the red switch again, then push the disk down the open doorway. Push it into the disc reader -- more purple images! The ship has been wrecked here since the dinosaur times!
We meet again.
The small sphere comes to life! It'll ask you to find it... not the sphere, but the pilot. Go up, then left, making your way to the very bottom left of the scene so you can exit. A new door has opened! To reach it, go straight up, then all the way left. Now go up the door. Run right and jump your way up to the pilot. Talk to him. GAAH, he's dead! Steal his costume. But who's in charge of the ship? Click on the computer. You'll see all the images in order, and finally... the ship's gonna launch!
Drop down the way you came and enter your submarine. Reach the bottom any way you want; the doors open and close on a timer now. Go left to the area you started in. Click on the door. You'll be sucked out and teleported back onto the Medusa. Meanwhile the ship rises spectacularly and blasts through the stars, back home at last. Congratulations on cracking the mystery of Atlantis at last!
Did this last episode remind anyone of Sphere, by Michael Crichton? I loved that book, and this reminded me of it. Scroll down to read the comments!

Poptropica Cheats Shrink Ray Island


Monster Carnival

In the dead of night, a caravan rumbles into town. The traveling carnival has returned! But this is no day at the park. Behind the lights and the laughter, the carnival harbors a dark secret. Buy a ticket if you dare, but beware — once you enter, you may never be able to escape the Monster Carnival!
This is Poptropica's own, high-quality guide of this long-awaited island. Enjoy!

Poptropica Cheats 24 Carrot

Full Video Walkthrough

Scroll down for the written version. I apologize, with all the power of apology in my heart, that there is no sound on this video. Believe me, I tried, but my computer wouldn't let me record the awesome soundtrack. No matter, it's less distracting now, and of course you can still play the game :)

Poptropica Cheats for Monster Carnival Island

The newspaper you can collect from
the woman next to the blimp.
Looks like a fairly normal, well-adjusted town... but looks can be deceiving. Talking to the locals, you'll find that there's a grannd carnival that's returning to the town after a while. Judging from the economy -- an apothecary, a repair shop, and an ice cream place -- I think the carnival is good excitement. Anyway, go left and enter the Apothecary. Talk to the pharmacist and he'll describe his profession (using way too many words), then give you a formula for... salt. Oh well. Exit the store.
Run all the way right and talk to the boy (by the way, 'carnie' means 'someone who performs in a carnival'). Then follow him right. Talk to the guy by the duck game; you must find a hose now. Then continue and talk to the lady at the fried dough stand. Take the formula she gives you to the Apothecary. Go to the top left and click on the gray machine. You need some ingredients for your formula. Pick up the bottles of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide from the top left shelf, then click on the machine.
Challenge: Look up all of the chemical
names in this picture on Wikipedia.
This part's fun. Use the gun to break the molecules apart (aim mouse + click to shoot), into little halves. Then, shoot the halves to push them together. When two halves hit each other, they'll stick if they're a similar color (so blue goes to blue and yellow to yellow). When all of them are done, you have salt! Run down and give it to the apothecary. Ignore the apothecary's scary warning about the carnival. Go back to the machine.
Pick up both the purple and blue bottles (fructose and glucose) from the shelves to the right and
click on the machine. Do the same thing as last time. This time purple-spiky-thing goes to purple-spiky-thing as well as blue to blue. You have sugar now!


Poptropica Cheats Virus Hunter

Exit the store and go left, into Honest Gabe's Auto Repair. Ask him for a Radiator Hose, the go right and jump up to grab it off the shelf. Take it back to the guy at the duck stand. Then give the sugar to the woman at the fried dough stand. Run right, to the next area (Carnival Rides). The guy at the Ferris Wheel will enlist your help. Run all the way right, to the next area. Right below the giant head is the lever he wants! Grab it and go back then give it to him. Suddenly, it will become afternoon, and the creepy carnival begins...
Go to the left of the Carnival and click on the ducks. Soon you'll find that the game is impossible to win! Go right and talk to the crowd around the balloon pop stand. The darts are so blunt that they won't even pop a balloon! Jump your way up to the ledge and walk left, past the mirror maze, and talk to the people there. The weight guesser will be right again! We can't let these cheaters beat us!

Poptropica Cheats Survival Part 1

Run all the way left to the Apothecary and click on the yellow box in front of the desk. You'll collect some osmium -- plenty heavy but pretty small. Then exit and go left, into the auto shop, and use the machine in the left to sharpen the dart. Run right and play the balloon game. As prize, you get.... drumroll... a sponsored plastic cup.
Return to the weight guesser. Your prize is... a super bouncy ball! Just what I always wanted. Run right and drop off the ledge. Go all the way right to Carnival Rides and continue until you reach the Test Your Weight game. USE the bouncy-ball to slip it under the pad, then ask to play the game. Your strength is off the charts!.... not really. Go left. Uh-oh, those kids are stuck on the Ferris wheel!
Go left and talk to the woman at the fried dough stand. She'll give you some DELICIOUS fry oil! Nice and greasy, the way I like it. Take it back to the Ferris wheel to grease it and the kids will be free. Next, they run into the Tunnel of Love. Follow them there... The woman will stop you and inform you about their 'strict hands-to-yourself' policy. Uh-huh... gotcha :).
Run right and into the Haunted Mansion. Ignoring the completely normal flapping doors, climb the stairs to the top floor. Jump up the shelf and collect the black lightbulbs, then go grab yourself a nice bug mask. Exit, go left, and enter the Tunnel. That'll give them the scare of their lives.
What's happening? All the carnies are going into the woods. Go all the way right, past the giant head. This part of the woods is confusing. You'll find something on the ground that doesn't belong there, like a balloon or French fries or a bottle. If it's on the left side, then go left; if the item is on the right side, go right. Finally you'll reach all of the carnies. Wait, why are their eyes rolling? That mysterious guy is talking some nonsense about becoming your true self... GAAAH! They're all transforming into.... MONSTERS!! GAAAAHAAHAAAHHAHAHHHH!!!! Go on, get out of there as fast as you can! (gasp, pant, wheeze)...

Poptropica Cheats Mocktropica


Poptropica Cheats And Walkthroughs

Back at the carnival, the boy suggests finding Ringmaster Raven. Hmm.... anyway, follow him. To avoid the monster blocking the way, jump on top of the radioactive waste barrel next to the Haunted House and then jump over it. Jump over the next monster and go left. Enter the tent. The ringmaster suggests a formula that the Ferris wheel operator had. Go right, jump over the small monster again, and meet the boy at the Ferris wheel. Equip the hammer, then press SPACEBAR to knock the dude down and out cold.
Pick up the ticket, which references the duck game. Run left, jump over the monster, and go left. GAAH! What's happened to the fried dough lady?! Continue to the ducks and USE the black light. It'll equip with your flashlight, and this time the ducks are marked in colors. Hold the mouse down, then swipe over a green duck, then orange one, then red, then yellow. To avoid hitting the wrong ones, I wait until the one I want kind of swims away from the rest. When you've got them all, the formula will be C11H17N2NaO2S.
To the Apothecary! But no, it's closed. Enter the auto shop. Click the green down button on the right, then jump onto the right side lift. Click the red up button, then enter the vent. Run left along the translucent pipe, jump up the bend, then continue left. You're in the Apothecary, but can't get in! Click the vent to remove it and then click on the newspapers in turn to remove them. Looks like 'Bird Boy' is someone important to the story...
Climb to the top left of the building and jump off right. Grab the yellow bromopentane, red sodium sulfidosodium, and blue ethylmalonic ester. Do the same thing as before for these molecules. Now you have sodium thiopental, also known as 'truth serum'.
Exit and run back to the circus tent. Oh no... Edgar is one of them! Ringmaster Raven is actually Bird Boy! To make Edgar remember you, USE the fried dough. Now you're free. Raven, driven mad at being driven out of the town, has turned to using sodium thiopental to turn people into monsters like him and keep them as pets! Follow him into the Mirror Maze.
He'll be hiding behind a mirror in each of the little mirror clusters. Equip the hammer and walk in front of the mirror where you saw him last. Press the SPACEBAR to knock it out and Raven will go to a different hiding place. This will happen three more times. Since the maze is so... well... confusing, I recommend going down to the bottom floor each time after he moves, then jumping up to where he is now.
The fourth time, you'll enter the mirror and use the sodium thiopental on him. You've stopped the avian menace! Let's see... first he's Bird Boy... then Ringmaster Raven... then... Circus Chicken!
The mayor and his wife seem more interested in the carnival than the monstrous disaster, but hopefully they've learned their lesson. The circus has packed up and zoomed away, the medallion has been won... but if you're a Member, then the show's not over yet.

Members-only Apothecary Rescue Quest

Dr. Dan, the apothecary, is missing! Run right and enter the woods. He will act strange and run off; follow him! Jump onto the roller-coaster track and walk right. Jump up and left, to the next track. Go left, jump up to the sign, and jump right, to the yellow flag. Jump up to the next yellow flag, then go right and drop down. Oh great, Dan is a monster... but he has a formula for the cure! This one has strange ingredients, though.

Poptropica Cheats Poptropicon

Wild Mushroom Extract

Jump to the branch and jump up, to the top of the tree. Jump off to the right and fall to the ground. Go left and click on the mushrooms. That's one down, two to go.

Pickle Juice

Go all the way left to the auto shop and jump to the leftmost shelf. There's a convenient jar of pickes...

Cola Soft Drink

To the Apothecary! Go left, click on a soda.
Go to the molecule machine and do the same thing to create Chemical X. Return to the woods and give it to Dr. Dan. Darn that diet soda, he's become even worse! But then the townspeople will deliver a sappy inspirational talk and Dr. Dan will be free. After that, you can use Chemical X to become a monster anytime you want (it wears off when you leave the room). Happy common-room-raiding!