Poptropica List Of Islands

  1. However, it was recently bought by Sandbox Networks. In the game, players, called Poptropicans travel to different islands and complete quests on them. So far there are forty-six islands (not including the rising of Poptropolis) released on Poptropica and over 500 million Poptropicans.
  2. From there, a more in depth list of products from the Poptropica Shop is shown, in one column out of a table of four columns. This column is called 'Merchandise'. There's also 'Newest Islands', 'Classic Islands', and 'Popular Islands' that list the expected content. Creators' Blog edit edit source.

If you want to go to a specific island, I posted all links to that as well ( My old Island list):) Some people already know this trick but I'm just gonna say it anyways, go to the map and go to Time Tangled Island. Go to the common room, then use the Time Device and select a random date, finally press the button.

Hey, Poptropicans!
It sure has been quiet around here. Wondering where the Poptropica Creators have been?
Let's just say, Poptropica has been 'under construction.' All the great people who work on Poptropica got together this month to plan a bunch of updates to Poptropica and Poptropica Worlds! We've been super busy behind the scenes fixing things, building new things, and working on bringing back some fan favorites! We've gone through all your amazing feedback from this year and have a lot of great stuff in the works!
We'll have new features launching every month – and trust us, they won't just be for members! We'll always have fun perks for our members because membership is what helps keep Poptropica going, but we're going to make sure non-members have a lot of great new stuff too.
We also have more contests headed your way – we want you to be involved in the future planning of Poptropica. You already helped design some awesome new stickers for the Poptropica Stickers! app, and we'll be announcing our new contest NEXT WEEK!
Poptropica List Of IslandsStay tuned as we give you guys a behind the scenes look every week at all the great things we're working on!

This wiki is being considered for archival due to inactivity. Please comment on the community portal if you have any objections.

The Poptropica Store, where you can buy costumes.
For a list of Members-Only items, see Members-Only Cards.

This is a list of items found in the Poptropica Store. The cost of items range from 0 credits (free) to 250 credits. Some items can only be accessed by Members. Members can access all of the items.

Costumes[edit | edit source]

Poptropica List Of Islands Names

  • Candy Bar - 75 Credits
  • Fake Noses - 75 Credits
  • Baby Boy/Girl - 75 Credits
  • April Fool - 75 Credits
  • Waffle - 75 Credits
  • Mud Pie - 75 Credits
  • Lemon Meringue - 75 Credits
  • Cherry Pie - 75 Credits
  • Leprechaun - 75 Credits
  • Angel - 75 Credits
  • Devil - 75 Credits
  • American Football Player - 75 Credits
  • Astronaut - 75 Credits
  • Mythology Surfer - 75 Credits
  • Tiger Shark - 75 Credits
  • Hammerhead Shark - 75 Credits
  • Dark Astro Knight - 75 Credits
  • Earth Astro Knight - 75 Credits
  • Sky Hawk Warrior - 75 Credits
  • Pirate Captain - 75 Credits
  • Samurai - 75 Credits
  • Masked Hero - 75 Credits
  • Templar Knight - 410 Credits
  • Hot Dog - 150 Credits
  • Tofu Dog - 150 Credits
  • Beach Ball - 75 Credits
  • Prom King/Queen - 75 Credits
  • Midnight Ninja - 75 Credits
  • Lawman - 100 Credits
  • Outlaw - 100 Credits
  • Ice Cream - 75 Credits
  • Big Burger - 75 Credits
  • Soda Pop - 75 Credits
  • Large Fries - 75 Credits
  • Disco King/Queen - 75 Credits
  • Cowboy - 75 Credits
  • Bigfoot Fanatic - 100 Credits
  • Furry Monster #1 - 0 Credits
  • Furry Monster #2 - 0 Credits
  • Furry Monster #3 - 0 Credits
  • Furry Monster #4 - 75 Credits
  • Steam Robot - 75 Credits
  • Psychedelic Shirt - 75 Credits
  • Vampire Boy/Girl - 0 Credits
  • Gamer Dude/Girl - 75 Credits
  • Soccer Player - 75 Credits
  • Graduate - 75 Credits
  • Albert Einstein - 75 Credits
  • Rock Star - 75 Credits
  • Magician - 75 Credits
  • Biker - 75 Credits
  • Swamp Monster - 75 Credits
  • Werewolf Boy/Girl - 0 Credits
  • Frankenstein - 0 Credits
  • Daredevil - 75 Credits
  • Firefighter - 75 Credits
  • Clown - 75 Credits
  • Karate Master - 75 Credits
  • Retro Robot - 75 Credits
  • Xenon Trooper - 75 Credits
  • Space Sentry - 75 Credits
  • Baseball Batter - 75 Credits
  • Baseball Fielder - 75 Credits
  • Rock Singer - 75 Credits
  • Renegade Robot - 75 Credits
  • Robin Hood - 75 Credits
  • Dragon - 75 Credits
  • Puppy - 75 Credits
  • Pharaoh - 75 Credits
  • Cheesy Mouse - 75 Credits
  • Crazy Rooster - 75 Credits
  • Fierce Lion - 75 Credits

Mini-Quests[edit | edit source]

  • Legendary Swords - 0 Credits
  • Nano-Combat Training - Members Only
  • Dr. Hare's Secret Lab - 0 Credits
  • Earth Day - 0 Credits
  • Haunted House - 0 Credits
  • Prepare For Impact Game - 0 Credits
  • Shrink Shot - 0 Credits
  • Poptropica Blimp Adventure - 0 Credits

Other Store Items[edit | edit source]

  • Wrestling Gear - Members Only
  • Skeleton Power - 75 credits
  • SV items - Members Only
  • LC items - Members Only
  • WB items - Members Only
  • Plant-A-Statue - Members Only
  • Discus - Members Only
  • Lucky Shamrock Flavour POPGUM - 250 Credits
  • Multiverse - 0 Credits
  • Winter Blast Flavour POPGUM - 250 Credits
  • Candy Cane-on - 250 Credits
  • Shrink Ray - 150 Credits
  • Prank Can - 250 Credits
  • Spooktacular Flavour POPGUM - 250 Credits
  • Fortune Cookie - 250 Credits
  • Silly Streams - 250 Credits
  • Cinnamon Fire Flavour POPGUM - 250 Credits
  • Minimizer - 250 Credits
  • Classic Flavour POPGUM - 0 Credits
  • Avatar Studio - 0 Credits
  • Portrait Printer - 250 Credits

Powers[edit | edit source]

  • Colorizer - 250 Credits
  • Bobblehead - 250 Credits
  • Balloons - 250 Credits
  • Torch - 250 Credits
  • Phantom - 250 Credits
  • Medusa - 250 Credits
  • Electrify - 250 Credits
  • Atom Power - 250 Credits
  • Meteor Shower - 250 Credits
  • Snow Fall - 250 Credits
  • Lightning Staff - 250 Credits
  • Midas Touch - 250 Credits
  • Smiley Potion - 250 Credits
  • Flower Power - 250 Credits
  • Love Potion - 250 Credits
  • Sonar Power - Members Only
  • Fireworks - 250 Credits

Followers[edit | edit source]

  • Atlantis Drone Follower - Members Only
  • Narf Follower - Members Only
  • Dryad Follower - Members Only
  • Followers (Spook) - 250 Credits
  • Followers (Dragons) - 250 Credits
  • Followers (Classic) - 250 Credits

Poptropica List Of Islands Map

Store Items
CostumesAmerican Football Player | Angel | Apple Pie Costume | April Fool | Astronaut | Atlantis Captain | Baby Boy | Baby Girl | Baseball Batter | Baseball Fielder | Beach Ball | Beachgoer | Beta Tester Costume | Big Burger | Big Carrot | Big Hearted | Bigfoot Fanatic | Biker | Biome Hats | Bottle Cap Costume | Bounce Ball | Bride of Frankenstein | Bully Bot Costume | Candy Bar | Capes 'n' Cowls | Cheerleader | Cheesy Mouse | Cherry | Clown | Cowboy | Cowgirl | Crazy Rooster | Creepy Countess | Cyclops | Dare Devil | Dark Astro Knight | Disco King | Disco Queen | Diving Suit | Dragon | Earth Astro Knight | Earth Day Shirt | Egyptian Mummy | Einstein | Elf Costume | Fairy Queen | Fake Noses | Fierce Lion | Firefighter | Fishing Suit | Flower Power! | Flying Ace | Frankenstein | Furry Monster 1 | Furry Monster 2 | Furry Monster 3 | Furry Monster 4 | Galactic Space Suit | Game Show Costume | Game Show Robot | Gamer Dude | Gamer Girl | Geisha | Ghillie Suit | Ghost Hunter Suit | Gothic Cheerleader | Graduate | Hammerhead Shark | Hard Helmet | Hazmat Suit | Heart Astro Knight | Holiday Ball | Hot Dog | Hypnotic | Icarus | Ice Cream | Island Wildlife - Dodo | Island Wildlife - Pig | Karate Master | Large Fry | Lawman | Light and Shadow Outfits | Light Ninja | Lemon Meringue | Leprechaun | Lightning Knight | Little Candy Cane | Little Demon | Lumberjerk | Lunar Colony Costume | Maegashira | Magician | Masked Hero | Medusa Surfer | Mega Dog Costume | Midnight Ninja | Midnight Red Ninja | Milk Box Costume | Mud Pie | Mystery Train Inspector | Mythology Surfer | Night Hare | Oompa-Loompa | Ōzeki | Peacemaker | Pharaoh | Pirate Captain | Plundered Armor | Pop Star | Poptropica's 5th Birthday! | Poptropica's 6th Birthday! | Poptropica's 7th Birthday! | Popzilla Costume | Prom King | Prom Queen | Psychedelic Shirt | Puffer Fish | Puppy | Queen of Egypt | Realms Builder | Renegade Robot | Retro Robot | Rhino Costume | Ringmaster | Robin Hood | Rock Singer | Rock Star | Rock Star 2 | Royal Ball | Samurai | Sanyaku | Scarecrow | Scifi Doctor | Sea Captain | Sky Hawk Warrior | Skull Pirate | Snowman | Soccer Player | Soda Pop | Southern Belle | Space Sentry | Sparkle Power | Spiked Bounce Ball | Steam Robot | Super Hard Helmet | Swamp Monster | Swan Ballerina | Templar Knight | Tiger Shark | Tofu Dog | Troll | Unfinished Costume | Vampire Boy | Vampire Count | Vampire Countess | Vampire Girl 1 | Vampire Girl 2 | Vampire Girl 3 | Waffle | Werewolf Boy | Werewolf Girl | Wrestling Gear | Xenon Trooper | Yokozuna | Zaggy Moondust
Effects8-Bit Birthday Pixel Pig Power | Alien Archaeology | Atom Power | Beach Umbrella | Burnt Orange Tan Power | Crayons | Discus | Dr. Hare Ears Power | Dryad Follower | Electrify! | Evil Henchmen | F.R.E.D. Follower | Flower Power! | Followers | Fortune Cookie | Garlic Breath | Glitch Power | Hare Club | Hat Trick | Heat Wave | Inside-Out Power | Love Potion | Medusa | Midas Touch | Minimizer | Moon Rock | Narf Follower | Oompa Loompa Power | Phantom | Plant-a-Statue | Prank Can | Raven Swarm | Ship Follower | The Silent Treatment | Skeleton Power | Sleeping Powder | Smiley Potion | Snow Fall | Sonar Power | Torch | Troll | Twin Power | Virtual Virus Costume | Wind Power | Zombify!
EquippableBackpack | Balloon | Balloons | Big Blue | Birthday Balloon | The Bolt | Clapboard | Dr. Hare Deluxe Balloons | Everlasting Gobstopper | Fart Gun | Fireworks | Fishing Pole | Grape Gum | Hypno-Powder | Lightning Staff | Popgum | Poptropica App Tablet & Phone | Rusty Relic | Safety Flare | Scimitar | Shield | Shrink Ray | Silly Streams | Skull Mask | Sneezing Powder | Viking Shields | Whoopzie Cushion | Vampire Bat Gum
Mini-IslandsDr. Hare's Secret Lab | Earth Day-Don't Be An Energy Hog! | Haunted House | Legendary Swords
MiscellaneousArabian Nights Poster | Avatar Studio | Bobblehead | Colorizer | Early Access | Edison Light Bulb | Einstein | Galactic Hot Dogs Poster | Magician's Hat | Make your own Neon Weiner | Mark Twain Haircut | Multiverse | Nano-Combat Training | Poptropica Realms | Poptropicon Poster | Portrait Printer | Prepare for Impact! | Shrink Shot
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