Poptropica U

Poptropica underworld

Poptropica is a multiplayer Web Game aimed at children, first released in 2007. You start by customizing a character with a randomized name and then hop into a blimp, where a map appears. There are currently (as of July '19) 50 islands (47 in Poptropica Original, 3 in Poptropica Worlds) you can explore, and more keep being developed and added. Early Access to Zomberry Island will be available for Poptropica Members next Wednesday, December 19. It will be open to everybody on January 10, 2013. Don't wait until next year to play Zomberry Island. Become a Poptropica Member today, and you'll be able to play Zomberry Island next week, and get your Zomberry extras right away! Jan 18, 2011 Launched in 2007, “Poptropica” is an online game designed for children ages six to 15. Players can play games, travel, and compete with each other. The game now has more than 75 million.

Club Penguin

If you've never heard of Poptropica, chances are you're a grownup. An inventive megasite for kids with a wholesome and slightly educational bent, it features quests, games and puzzles set on 20 themed islands, including Shrink Ray Island, Wild West Island and ones based on the Wimpy Kid and Peanuts franchises. As many as 10 million kids explore Poptropica each month, but the site also aims to please parents. The chat feature, for instance, doesn't permit free-form conversation. Instead, members can select questions to ask one another from a collection of family-friendly choices.

See TIME's picks for the best blogs of 2011.

Poptropica Usernames
